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Essay on the Relationship Between Frankenstein and the Creature - Compare Their Relationship

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This essay will examine the relationship between two sets of characters in two different books. In Mary Shelleys' Frankenstein the relationship between Victor Frankenstein and The Monster he created will be discussed, by analysing both characters relationship to each other before detailing the effects this relationship had, on the others actions and how it led to their eventual downfall. In Matthew Lewis' The Monk the relationship between Ambrosio and Matilda will be analysed and then compared to the aforementioned relationship in Frankenstein in order to highlight any similarities or differences in Ambrosios' fall from grace as opposed to Victors.

In order to compare the relationship between Victor and The Monster it is important to highlight the traits and events that shaped Victor Frankenstein before he created The Monster, as it appears that Victor was so affected by his creation, that the creation of the 'catastrophe' and the events which unfolded signalled the end of Victor Frankenstein as he had previously existed. Victor was a highly motivated and intelligent young man who had a secure upbringing and a healthy social base as he matured. He was afforded the opportunity to learn about science and became totally obsessed with how far he could delve into the mysteries of life through his study of forgotten works of ancient alchemists. Victor in many ways mirrored the explorer Walton in his ambition to discover 'those shores which I so ardently desire to attain'. He was so focused on the prize that he lost sight of his responsibilities and must be attributed a portion of the blame for the creatures fall from innocence.

Victor is driven and shaped by his ambition and single mindedness as he sees only the value of science in his creation and ultimately fails to nurture 'his child'. His time spent working towards his goal and largely cut off from humanity may have caused him to lose part of his humanity alluding to the title of the 'Modern day Prometheus'. Although ambition and scientific brilliance were abundant in Victor, a lack of paternal guidance and nurture towards his creation begins The Monsters descent from humanity and on to a path of isolation and murder. His actions, or lack thereof have a dramatic consequence on himself, as he is transformed from the creator of life to a man obsessed with the destruction of the life he has created.

Alternatively The Monster was born fully formed yet without knowledge, so could be compared to the birth of a baby, mentally at least. From the moment of his creation Victor rejects him which lays flawed foundations for The Monsters psychological development. When Victor awakens in his bed to find The Monster standing over him staring and smiling he is unsettled and rejects him again. If we think of this moment and replace The Monster with a child, who would have inevitably been in this scenario with one of their natural parents, we may say that the Monster was looking for security from 'its father'. This occasion only served as a missed opportunity for nurture and bonding between the two and set the tone of The Monsters future place in society and relationship with each other. The appearance of The Monster horrifies Victor and this reason for rejection, is then commonplace among all of those who come into contact with the creature. Victors' lack of guidance as a paternal figure, which The Monster viewed Victor as, was undoubtedly detrimental to his intellectual and moral development. This too is touched on in Victors childhood when he makes reference to his fathers' lack of guidance of the science literature he was reading, "If, instead of this remark, my father had taken the pains to explain to me that the principles of Agrippa had been entirely exploded...I should certainly have thrown Agrippa aside and have contented my returning with greater ardor to my former studies". If this was to be believed then it may be argued that Victors father may too shoulder some responsibility for the lack of a nurturing spirit in Victor and indirectly the development of The Monster.

The Monster learned about society from the periphery, looking in and without the growth structures and parameters that were traits in Victors' upbringing. Due to this he does not know the boundaries of correct human behaviour and has not been taught what is socially or morally right and wrong. Instead he has learned it from books such as Milton's 'Paradise Lost' and from his observations of the Delacy family. It is this recognition of his ability to perform intellectual realisations made evident in his reference to Milton "remember, that I am thy creature: I ought to be thy Adam; but I am rather the fallen angel", that allows Victor to eventually recognise him as a human being and no longer merely a personification of a scientific experiment. This however is overshadowed by his hatred of The Monster for the murders of firstly his brother and causing the death of Justine, but later his wife and best friend Henry. The Monster hopes that by telling Victor of the compassion he has witnessed and heard from his time watching Felix and Safie that Victor may allow a relationship to develop but this has the opposite effect and highlights the fact that because of the secret of The Monster, Victor allowed Justine to die.

The relationship between the two evolves throughout the novel. In the beginning we view Victor as a god like creator of this being. Victor has the power over the monster at this stage and uses that power to reject him and leave him to find his own way in society. During this time the Monster who is intellectually inferior views Victor as a father figure but when he realises that Victor has created him in a way that will leave him unable to integrate into society and therefore isolated he develops hatred for Victor and this evolves into desires for revenge all of which shape his character, "I was benevolent and good; misery made me a fiend" . In many ways they caused each others isolation from society as in order to create The Monster, Victor was forced to exclude himself from society whereas The Monster due to his appearance, a flaw of Victors' handiwork, was forced to exclude himself from society. In many ways the two characters are polar opposites of one another. Victors' outward appearance is in contrast to the hideous nature of The Monster. While The Monster looks for guidance and a relationship, "Victor rejects him. Victor Frankenstein destroys his humanity for the sake of a "break through" not properly belonging to man".

Victor is restricted in some degree by his feelings and memories of a nostalgic upbringing as well as a developed moral code. The monster has no such restrictions and



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