Essay by pauleisha thompson • May 4, 2016 • Essay • 869 Words (4 Pages) • 1,304 Views
There is so much good in the worst of us,
And so much bad in the best of us,
That it hardly becomes any of us
To talk about the rest of us.
Edward Wallis Hoch
Equality is define as the equal oppurtunity given to individuals regardless of racist, color, nationality, sex, religion and sexual orientation. Human rights is define as being able to hold hands with the person you love, work where you’re qualified to work without your skin color or sexual orientation being the reason you can’t. It also means having the right to be human, making choices and mistakes. Although the government can pass laws to protect your human rights, they are rights believed to be granted by God or by some higher power and everyone has human rights even if legislation doesn't protect them or if oppressive governments do not respect them.
It is often said that we learn from our past, but is that really true? Inequalities and discrimination of human rights have existed in our society for thousands of years. From the ancient times, to the treatment of slaves, to the inequalities and unfair treatment of women. Today we still have people who face prejudice and inequality every day. If we really learn from our past, why does inequality and discrimination of human rights still exist? Why cant we live to the belief that all men are created equal? Our society today is, however, a lot better than it was when the Bahamas first became an independent nation. The examples of past inequalities have shaped today's society because we now have an increased minority participation in the government, equal education is promised to everybody, and most people have the chance at any job they want.
Human Rights and equality plays a role in everyone’s life, but not everyone realizes it. It’s involved in every comment you make that includes someone different. Every near discriminatory “joke” you say, it affects people although it doesn’t affect you. Everyday we hear comments being made about being “gay” and other comments about being “retarded.” What I fail to understand is why these words are chosen to describe something meager or something that lacks equality. Society has gotten to the point where people think it doesn’t matter what they say, that they think their comments and hate don’t affect other people. Humans are often hurtful towards each other. I believe we all were born with the innate of compassion and love. These days, some parents are now showing their children what to think instead of how to think. I've watched news and read newspapers about people not being able to marry someone they love because they are the same gender. Even though it is not acceptable to marry someone of the same sex in the Bahamas, people say gays aren’t socially acceptable . The thing is, slavery was once usual. So what does that say about our country, "The Bahamas". As we look around in our communities, schools, and our own personal environment we have seen people being ignorant and neglecting the notion that all humans are equal and have rights. However not only do we see ignorance and neglect but there is also a ramping fact on being bias and prejudice. I often witness people on Eluethera , young and old, ignoring the fact that despite through it all we are all still the same. Humans aren’t born racist, homophobic or sexist. We were born equal and have a free right of choice. So why is it everyone is bent on believing that one life is less important than another? Why is it a person high up in society can get away with something other people can’t? How is that equal? Why is one religion “correct” while a different one is frowned upon? What gives other people the right to decide who I wanna be and what I want to do with my life? Well, the answer is clear. Its because people these days respect of person. If you aren't on their level they look beyond you. The right to be who you we’re destined to be belongs to everyone. Not just people who are favored or socially acceptable. I can look around and see a flawed humanity. My one hope is to see that change. We may be different on the outside, but we are all human. Nothing else should define us. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.