Equalibrium Case
Essay by Zomby • July 11, 2012 • Essay • 533 Words (3 Pages) • 1,368 Views
Travon Martin's short life came to an end on February 28, when he was gunned down outside a gated community near Orlando, Florida. Martin was killed by George Zimmerman, who was performing volunteer neighborhood watch duties.
Zimmerman called 911 to report a suspicious black male walking in the area, who was wearing a dark colored hoodie. Failing to heed the 911 operators advice, Zimmerman followed Travon and shot him.
People all over the nation are outraged Zimmerman was allowed to go free and feel the Sanford police department failed to perform a satisfactory investigation of the scene.
It is not unusual for a nation to venerate its founders and strive to emulate the ideologies the set forth, and its principle, it is not always detriment to society, but the ratification of the Stand Your Ground Doctrine which states," law-abiding residents and visitors may legally presume the threat of bodily harm or death from anyone who breaks into a residence or occupied vehicle and may use defensive force, including deadly force, against the intruder." And In any other place where a person "has a right to be," that person has "no duty to retreat" if attacked and may "meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another to prevent the commission of a forcible felony," is clearly a cruel misinterpretation of The Castle Doctrine which states "a person has the right to protect their selves, as
Well as their home without retreat. "Even this law gives specific elements that must take place before a person really have the right to use deadly force, such as the assailant must be entering or attempting to enter the house, which puts the occupant in harm's way. It does not allow a person to pursue a person, that is outside and then shoot them down in cold blood, as a justifiable homicide, which are the elements that are concerning the Trayvon Martin Murder.
Trayvon Martin was a 17 year old, walking through a sub division where his father lived. While there, Zimmer, the neighborhood watchman, is riding in his SUV, observers Trayvon, and states "he had never seen him around the area before", so he begins to actively pursue him, at some point he calls the 911 dispatcher, reports of a suspicious black male walking through the complex says" he is acting funny." The dispatcher asks Zimmer "Was he following the suspect?" he says "yes". She tells him to not do that, Zimmer disobeys the...
College students across the country are making sure Trayvon Martin is not going to go away for George Zimmerman. Protests and rallies were held this week to oppose the "Stand Your Ground" law, a law in some states that allows citizens to defend themselves with