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Eng 131 - Just Do It!! - Procrastination

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Quantrel Williams


English 131

Just Do It!!

Procrastination is something people all know about if not personally then has witnessed it in action. It's a very nasty common habit for teenagers or adults while in college. Procrastination is basically being able to do something at the very time but putting off for later. People procrastinate for many reasons feeling lazy, not knowing what to do and not wanting to ask for help, and feeling too cowardly to take action. The typical student feels as if they have appeal time to finish the task at hand so they continue to put it off. Then they feel overwhelmed once it's a day or two away and the time to sit down and do it has come. The effects of procrastinating cause students to get lower grades have late papers, and even worst not complete the task at hand at all. The examples below will support and prove how procrastinating has several causes and effects on the student life while in college.

Being lazy is by far the biggest reasons for procrastinating to get something done. People can have all the time in the world, or been asked a hundred times to do something but they're too busy just sitting around on your butt to do it. Then when it doesn't get done or it's a bad job they'll swear up and down they didn't have enough time. For example the students were told on Monday that a week from know they would have to turn in a final draft on how to stimulate jobs in our current economy. The one student doesn't even here her say what the papers on just when it was do a WEEK from now. So like any typical lazy person he doesn't do anything on his paper the rest of the week but spends his time playing video games. Come Sunday night he sits down and writes his paper at 9 o clock and finishes in a couple hours. He turns it in a couple of days finds out that he received an F and had to do it over for no credit. Him not utilizing his time caused him to get an F on his paper.

Another cause of procrastination is simply not knowing what to do or being afraid to ask for help. People always encounter writers block or brain farts the hinder you from completing the task at hand. When that happens some people begin to procrastinate because they can't think of anything complete the objective. For example when learning to write a paper or essay students learn techniques that can assist them in writing a more developed well written paper. So when faced with the problem of not being able to think of anything instead of using the techniques they say ill just think of something later. Later leads to the day before where they're stuck and have to rush and just pick something to write about. Also when students choose to just not seek help when faced with something they don't understand causes them to procrastinate,



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