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Dying Is Not a Crime

Essay by   •  November 4, 2012  •  Essay  •  845 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,296 Views

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Dying is not a crime

There is a truth about people. It does not matter how or who they are, they should be able to take their own choices. But there is one thing they cannot decide about: If they want to live or not when they are fatally sick. Of course we have a right to live, but the truth is it is inhuman to make them live with diseases like Cancer or a paralysis if they do not want to. And it is also insane to make their relatives and friends to pass thru the sadness of seeing their loved one suffer. But there could be a choice. In this Essay, I will explain why Euthanasia should be permitted to people who want it.

Someone that is suffering of a painfully diseases should not have to be force to do it. I am not saying that we should kill anyone who wants to be dead, but that we should have a right to die as well as we have one to live. Just think about this; One day a man went to a doctor because he started to feel a little twitching in one of his legs. After several exams, the doctor told him that he had something called "motor neuron disease". That meant his muscles were going to atrophy, he would lose control of his body and finally he would not be able to move anymore. Was he going to live with dignity? No. Did he have a choice? No, but a certain thing is that he was going to suffer, mentally and physically. Years later he requested his doctor to use euthanasia on him, so he could die peacefully before his longs got paralyzed by the disease and he died suffocated. That man was Cees Van Der Joove and the film of his death was shown on British TV in March 1995 ("A Disable person perspective on euthanasia..." Document, March 1998)

People are supposed to live and die with dignity. The term euthanasia means "well-dying" and it is a term used to refer to an easy death instead of an agonizing one. There are different diseases that kill people like Polio, Lupus, Cancer, Creutzfeldt-Jacob, Autoimmune diseases, AIDS, among others and most of them do not have a cure so they make people turn in to a product with an expiration date. Life is sacred whether you are religious or not and for that it should be lived as one. But allowing that someone passes thru extreme pain is not form of expressing it. Jack Kevorkian was the first Doctor who tried to help his patients to escape from suffering. He famously said "dying is not a crime" and the epitaph of his tombstone reads, "He sacrificed himself for everyone's rights" and it is true. He helped at least 130 patients to avoid suffering.

Finally, the sick person is not the only one who has to deal with the disease and the pain that it carries. People around them as his/her relatives and friends have to deal with the disease to. They have to take care of the person, sometimes feeding or even cleaning him/her. But actually the worst part is that they have to watch how the person is in extremely



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