Drug Storage Management Overview
Essay by Alodia Farichai • March 14, 2016 • Case Study • 5,358 Words (22 Pages) • 1,682 Views
Drug Storage Management Overview in the Pharmacy Warehouse of Sentosa Women and Children’s Hospital
Alodia Farichai
University of Pelita Harapan
International Executive Master of Management and Master of Hospital Management
Drug storage management in Hospital Pharmaceutical Installation included planning, procurement, distribution, and utilizing. Drug storage indicator was: the suitability between goods and stock card, TOR (Turnover Ratio), percentage of drug which was expired and or damaged, storage management system, percentage of dead stock, and percentage of final stock value. Based on the result of work evaluation of pharmaceutical supply inventory for tablet supply in Pharmaceutical Installation storage room at Sentosa WCH (Women and Children’s Hospital), it was found that unsuitability between goods quantity with stock card and computerization was as much as 15.38 %, TOR value was 29 times per year, final sock value was 6 %, percentage of expired drugs was 0.03 %. This data showed us that the suitability between goods and stock card, percentage of expired drugs, TOR, and final stock value didn’t [a]meet the hospital target yet.
Keywords: drug storage, building and rooms, equipment, human resource.
Drug Storage Management Overview in the Pharmacy Warehouse of Sentosa Women and Children’s Hospital
Health efforts are each activity and / or a series of activities carried out in an integrated, integrated and sustainable to maintain and improve the health of the community in the form of disease prevention (preventive), health improvement (promotion), disease treatment (curative), and restoration of health (rehabilitative) by the Government and / or the community. These health concept are used as a guidelines for all health facilities in Indonesia including hospitals (MOH, 2004)
Hospitals have a role to improve the quality of health services to the community that will achieve optimal health status. One of them is the Hospital Pharmacy Installation (HPI). HPI’s function as a distribution warehouse for all inventories required for patient care services. Its design, structure, construction, flow, location and built shall meet the Guideline for Drug Storage Management, Good Storage Practice, other relevant guidelines from MOH and other authorities requirements. Drug management of HPI are including planning, procurement, distribution, and utilizing. (MOH, 2004)
Medicines and medical supplies consume are the major portion of the hospital expenses. The rising of drugs and medical supplies cost directly affect the total expenses of the hospital. Thus, inventory system should be developed in a cost effective manner. The stock systems that support enough products to each department are needed. However, the overstock causes more financial problems and spends more time to resolve. Conversely, drug shortages can unpleasantly affect drug treatment, delay medical processes, and may result in medication error. Many causes of drug shortages were described i.e. unexpected demand, natural disasters, etc. Thus, over and unnecessary of drugs having very less used over a period of time and lower stocking should be prevented. There are three components of a cost-management program; pharmacy-directed activities, interdisciplinary activities, and reimbursement & charging. The pharmacy-directed activities composed of three topics; purchasing, inventory management, and waste reduction. Thus, the pharmacy management team plays the important role in this systematization. (ASHP)
Drug storage indicator: 1). The suitability between goods and stock card, this indicator used to determine the accuracy of the hospital pharmacy logistic staff and is to assure the sustainable availability and affordability of drugs starting from planning the drug selection, procurement, storage, distribution and monitoring and evaluation 2). [b]TOR (Turnover Ratio) is used to measures the number of times the drug must be replaced during a given period of time i.e. timely and efficient purchase, transfer drugs and distributions, reordering again. TOR value will affect on changes in drug stock. High inventory turnover is generally positive as it indicates goods are being sold rapidly. It may result from good inventory management, but may also hint at insufficient safety stock. Low inventory turnover is frequently associated with excess inventory, overstocking and the presence of dead inventory (non-moving inventory). 3). Percentage of drug which was expired and or damaged, this indicator used to determine hospital loss. 4). Storage management system, drugs may be stored using FEFO (first expired first out) for those with expiration date or FIFO (first in first out) system to describe a way of dealing with perishable drugs, or with a specified expiry date. The drugs with the deadline for the next intake will be the first to be served or removed from stock. 5). Percentage of dead stock, dead stock a term used to describe drug that was never sold to or used at least for 3 months. 6). Percentage of final stock value, final stock value is to measure the amount of drug remaining during a given period of time, this value inversely proportional to the TOR. (Aditama, 2003)
According to Decree of Director Sentosa WCH Bogor No. 1907/E-V/SK.3.4/1/10 about the Hospital Pharmacy Installation Service Guideline on Sentosa WCH for precision target stock data on pharmacy logistics was ≥ 90%, meaning that unsuitability between goods quantity with stock card and computerization must be ≤ 10%, target of percentage of expired drugs was 0%, target of TOR in pharmacy storage was ≥ 36 times per year, target of final stock percentage was ≤ 3%, and target of dead stock was ≤ 5%.
Based on performance evaluation from pharmaceutical inventory storage for oral dosage form in Hospital Pharmacy Warehouse at the Sentosa WCH First Quarter of 2016, it was found that unsuitability between goods quantity with stock card and computerization was as much as 15.38 %, TOR is 29 times per year, final stock value was 6%, percentage of expired drugs on the first quarter of 2016 was 0.03%, almost reach 0%, meaning that there was found a lot of expired drugs. This showed us that precision of stock data, percentage of expired drugs, TOR, and final stock value didn’t meet the hospital target yet. Percentage of dead stock was 2.18%, showed that the percentage of dead stock had achieved the hospital target, but even better if they minimized the percentage.