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Dividend Policy

Essay by   •  February 25, 2013  •  Essay  •  415 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,458 Views

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The Research Methods course consists of a series of weekly lectures and tutorials designed to introduce students to the basic tools, techniques and processes required to complete the independent study course FINA 1037/1073 (Dissertation). Students undertake the Research Methods course immediately before proceeding to Dissertation (conditional on the recommendation of the Examination Board). (Note: Part-time students will take this course in their second year of study.)

The Research Methods course aims to prepare students for undertaking an independent dissertation that contains original conclusions that contribute to the existing literature. Such originality may come from either the method (eg. different variables, data sets, countries, time periods) or, less commonly, from the theory (eg. a new theoretical framework) or methodology (eg. a new instrument/variable). It is this vital aspect of originality in which dissertation differs from an essay.


The Research Methods course:

* provides guidance in developing a suitable research question in the area of accounting, banking, finance, or financial information systems

* explores the academic and methodological requirements for accounting- and finance-based M.Sc. dissertations

* provides guidance in applying the basic elements of research methods, including methodology, research design, data collection, data analysis, to the research topic

* enables students to refine and develop the topic in the form of a research proposal with the involvement of a supervisor

* develops an understanding of the most commonly used research methods, both quantitative and qualitative, suitable for small scale research projects

* develops advanced intellectual skills such as evaluation, analysis, synthesis, critical thinking, project management skills

Learning outcomes

On completing the Research Methods course students will be able to:

* identify the basic elements involved in defining a piece of academic work and structure such work appropriately: specifically, defining the broad area of interest, together with important issues and questions that lie within it

* undertake a focused and thorough literature search, and explain its role and function

* consider the relation of the broad area of interest to existing literature and to issues of methodology, research design and method;

* identify, collect, and analyse relevant data;

* undertake a formal written proposal



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