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Disneyland Case

Essay by   •  February 8, 2013  •  Essay  •  645 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,453 Views

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Wait tae a tell yah wit that idiot did wen we wur it Disneyland, in Florida, wae the wayne. This daft cunt in a bear suit jumps oot in front ay us, waving ehs airms aboot n that. The wayne shat es self and starts screamin so that fucking idiot acts the big hard man and punches the daft cunt in the face. I coudny believe it, polis and everybody came er and the cunts gaffer tells the wee guy ehs letting him go. The cunt was nearly greetin, begin fur ehs job back. Ah wis ragin wae the idiot punching the wee guy; he wis joost daeing ehs job, he didny mean any herm. Sometimes a wunder why im still way the fanny when aw eh does is cause shit. Am telling ye, if that idiot got the wee guy the sack, he'd be oot oan ehs ear. Eh knows wit its like tae no huv a job.

Safe tae say Disneyland wis shit, been better aff gone tae M&Ds: it would hiv been cheaper. Back hame the fanny bragged tae every cunt he punched a guy in a bear suit. Ehs dain my heed in tae be honest. Actin the big man when ehs actually a prick. Ever since ehs got aww this money fae the claim he put in ehs been acting like a right arsehole. Eh doesny even take the wayne oot anymere. No even tae the park. Aww eh does is go doon the pub n pish aw the money away. Hinks hes some sorta royalty noo cause everycunt wants tae be ehs pal. Ehs gained a fair few new so-called 'pals'. Me in the wayne joost sit in the hoos, waitin fur the cunt tae come in, wrecked, and start talking a power a pish. Ehs famous story is when eh punched eh guy in Disneyland. Sicka hearin it. Am gonny punch him if he says it wan mer time. Aye fair enough eh guy gave eh wee yin a fright but there wis nae need in him bein a prick aboot it. Wan day ah hid enough eh his crap and paped the wayne way a neighbour and went doon tae the pub and started screamin abuse it um. Ah fuckin lost it n punched um ryt in the mooth n his teeth came flying oot. Didny look eh big man efter a embarrassed uhm. That night I got the wayne n left the arsehole to go stiy way ma maw. The next morning eh wiz it the door nearly greetin fur me tae cum hame. That's wit he gets. Shoudlny be treating me n eh wayne like shite. Ah coudny be arsed wae him so I just told ma maw tae go oot n tell him tae get tae fuck. Ever since Disneyland ehs been up ehs ain arse. Splashing ehs money aboot, buying shite, like a hoilday tae Disneyland tae be precise, n spending it oan booze.

A never saw the prick fur a week efter um bein it my door greetin. Oan the Friday night ma maw watched the wayne tae let me go oot wae my pals. The idiot wiz there wae his; a should hiv known he would be there getting steamin is usual. But I coundny believe it wen he came up tae me, sober, tellin me ehs sorry n ehs put the rest eh the money in eh bank fur me n the wayne. Me bein a big softie n that ye know, a took uhm back. Everyfing was fine and dandy until the idiot came in braggin aboot another holiday ehs booked for us and the wayne. He fucking booked



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