Disney Criuse Line
Essay by narbe89 • November 19, 2012 • Case Study • 1,446 Words (6 Pages) • 1,435 Views
Management 497A Strategic Management # 13078
Fall 2012, Tuesdays 7:00 - 9:45 pm
Classroom # JH 1103
Instructor: Debbie Glick, MBA
Office: JH 4224
Office Hours: Tuesdays 6:00 - 6:45 pm
Fridays 11:00 - 11:45 am; or by appointment
Telephone: (818) 597-0143 office
(805) 630-3512 cel
Email: debbieq99@aol.com (that's a "Q", not a "G")
Required Textbook:
Hitt, Michael; Ireland, Duane; and Hoskisson, Robert
Strategic Management Concepts and Cases: Competitiveness and Globalization
9th edition
* ISBN : ISBN-10: 1-4390-4230-6 ISBN-13: 978-1-4390-4230-4
Publisher: South-Western Cengage Learning
Make certain to purchase the 9th edition with cases
The textbook will NOT be available in the bookstore - purchase it online at Amazon.com or another online textbook source
Make certain you have the textbook in time for the first class!! There is a reading assignment and case study due on the first day of class.
1. Course Objectives
To develop an understanding of strategic management concepts and theories, and be able to apply them in real business cases.
To develop a framework for case study analysis to identify central issues and problems in complex business cases.
To make recommendations and provide well-documented support for recommendations.
To develop conceptual skills to integrate previously learned aspects of corporations.
To integrate theory and practice in the application of earlier courses in business fundamentals and operations.
Personal Learning Objectives:
To improve critical strategic thinking skills
To understand and apply business system interactivity principles
To analyze complex business situations, and apply logic and theory to recommend solutions.
To effective communication your recommendations
2. Approach
The approach to this course is multi-faceted. Students will acquire skills through a combination of textbook study, classroom lecture, classroom discussion, case analysis and experiential learning activities
Students will be active participants in this program through a variety of in-class discussions and cases analyses, individual assignments and team-based projects.
The first half of the class will focus on providing a foundation for strategic analysis. The second half of the course will focus not only on how to conduct strategic analysis and make strategic management decisions, but will also include in-depth analysis of the organization factors affecting the implementation of strategic planning.
3. Requirements
Preparation - students are expected to come to class fully prepared. Preparation for each class will require that the student has read all textbook chapters prior to the class, and has read and prepared all case studies, activities, projects and simulations prior to class.
Participation - students are expected to participate in class discussions, lectures, case studies and presentations. Students will be assigned participation roles at the start of each class, and are expected to be prepared to participate actively in any of the assigned case study roles. If a student attends a class unprepared to participate in his assigned role, he will receive a "no-credit" for attendance for that session.
Attendance - Due to the delivery methodology of this course, attendance is critical to the success of each student, and to the success of the class as a whole. Policy on Attendance:
0 - 1 absence = A
2 absences = A-
3 - 4 absences = B
5 - 6 absences = C
7 + absences = Take this class over
4. Graded Assignments and Weightings
1. Midterm # 1 20%
2. Midterm # 2 20%
3. Final Paper 20%
4. Team Case Presentation 20%
5. Participation/ Homework/ Attendance 20%
5. Course assignments
The midterms will be a combination of case analysis and short answer. They will both be take-home exams. There will be an in-class review session prior to each exam.
The Team Project will be a case analysis, see detail in next section.
Homework will be assigned weekly. Certain assignments will be graded and others will be credit/ no credit. Homework is due on the date of the assignment. No late assignments will be accepted.
Participation will be graded on both a qualitative and quantitative scale.
All take-home assignments must be submitted hard-copy at the beginning of class. No late or electronic assignments will be accepted.
1. Team Project Assignment - 20 minute in-class presentation
Teams will be assigned during the second class session. There will be a total of 5 teams. Each team will present a comprehensive case study in class, covering all content from the class to create an end to end case presentation. Each team will select a case study from the casebook text to present. Do not select cases included in the syllabus.