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Dictorship Case

Essay by   •  September 23, 2012  •  Essay  •  1,027 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,606 Views

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Under dictatorship regime, there is a fact that dictatorship is not only brought to fear and force, but also employs the violent and coercive measures for suppressing and eliminating all opposition. In dictatorship system by their belief is built around the restriction of individual freedom. The result, they deeply restrict on many kinds of liberties, for example: freedom of speech, expression, belief, worship, communication, press and other freedoms, under which the human personality flourishes, are limited. Many countries in history such as The Soviet Union under the rule of Josef Stalin, China during the Cultural Revolution and Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge have been controlled with violence and surveillance, cooptation in order to maintain power.

With violence, surveillance has become a necessary tool for many leaders to get opposition or revolution that could bring an end to the regime; or destroy any obstacle to change. With the ambitious goals of dictatorship are often enforced through close observation of and use the force against the population, sending a clear message that those who oppose the government will be identified and dealt with harshly. Dictatorship systems often use violence as a mechanism of public control, threatening those who challenge the political order with severe retribution: arbitrary arrest, detention without trial, torture, and even death. Also, violence not only destroys enemies of the regime ideology, but the very use of terror shatters human will, destroying the ability of individuals to create, much less aspire to , freedom. Surveillance is an important tool to maintain a close watch over population. Surveillance allows the regime to prevent opposition from organizing and instills uncertainly among the population. Besides, surveillance may be conducted through the use of an internal security force or secret police, charged with monitoring public activity, spying on individuals, and interrogating members of the public suspected of political activity hostile to the regime. Finally, corporatism is one of the most structured form of cooptation, has been used to solidify the government's control over the public by creating or sanctioning a limited number of organizations to represent the interests of the public, and restricting those who not set up or approved by the state. In addition, corporatism is an effective form of control, for it gives the public a limited influence in the policy making process. For example, farmers and students have an official organization with elected officers and resources that are meant to serve their interest, in return, the regime is able to better control the public through these institution, which are funded and managed by the state. Another factor proved that corporatism is a good tool while under dictatorship rule because in all corporatist system brings out the fact that the presence of a limited number of organizations used to represent and direct social interests, providing the public under organized state control.

On the other hand, in this essay I will discuss the reason why historically speaking getting rid of one dictatorship would only manage to bring out a different one. Over the past half century the history has proved us a fact that dictatorships



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