Descriptive Narritive
Essay by Stella • May 4, 2012 • Essay • 817 Words (4 Pages) • 1,608 Views
The cold mountain air seeps through my mask. The ice cold snow drops on my helmet as I carve into the soft powder. My whole body goes weightless as I glide over the frigid ground. I stop no civilization, no people, and nobody to find me. I continue downhill ditching and dodging trees, but with every dodge come a new tree for me to avoid. I feel like I can't be stopped, like I'm free with nobody telling me what to do. The mountain is where I want to be, and this is my home.
As I'm flying down the mountain my body gives out. I fall. All I can see is the world spinning around me. Whack! I hit a tree. My body is limp as I lay against the tree. The ice cold snow melts on my warm skin and trickles down my body. I can't think straight and for all I know is I'm just taking a cold shower (if only that were true). I try to pull myself back into reality, but I can't seem to face the fact that I'm alone and by myself on a desolate mountain. The signs said stay out but I just couldn't resist. The temptation overtook my body in a rebellious force, but I should have listened to the sign.
About ten minutes have passed and I still can't stand. My body is raw and numb. I still can't tell if this is a dream or reality. I finally realize where I'm at and what I'm doing. The thoughts in my head are racing about how I will get out. My body is stuck in the snow and every time I try to pull out the deeper I go. This place was supposed to be free of danger and safe, but now I am stuck in the frigid ice cold snow with nobody to her me.
Finally I have the strength to pull my arms out and grab a hold of the tree. I pull as hard as I can, but my board is jammed too far into the snow. The only way I can get out is by leaving my board behind. My board was my prized possession. I put so much time and so much labor into it to make it as best as it can be. In the end I knew I had to. If I want to live I will give up something I love.
I unstrap my bindings from my feet. My hands are freezing cold and it's hard to maneuver anything around at this point. Finally my feet come undone from the once treasured board. I slowly inch my way up out of the ground like a snake creeping on its prey. If I push too hard on the snow around me, it might all cave back in and I will be back to step one. Once and for all I was out of the numbing hole. All I could think of was how I would get back down to the lodge.
There was no way I would be able to get back to the lodge on foot in this terrain. My mind once again began to race. It thought of anyway to hike down this treacherous mountain. Then I realized it, and it all came to me. The only way I could get back down was to dig my board out of the snow. This poses many risks though. If I dig for it and jump back in to get the board, it could all cave in, but this is my only option. If I wait any longer night will come and there is no way I