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Describe the Different Between Autonomous Expenditure and Induced Expenditure. Which Sectors of the Economy Are Assumed to Have Both Types of Spending and Which Are Not. Explain Your Answer.

Essay by   •  May 23, 2012  •  Essay  •  333 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,646 Views

Essay Preview: Describe the Different Between Autonomous Expenditure and Induced Expenditure. Which Sectors of the Economy Are Assumed to Have Both Types of Spending and Which Are Not. Explain Your Answer.

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Am writing on honesty. honesty has to do with every day life activities, because most of the children are not honesty, not only to the relatives, but also to the society. parents ought to bring up the child/children in the fear of the Lord, because the bible says train up a child the way he should go, and he grow he will not depart from it. Children are been told by the society and mostly in their respectives schools that if their parents do anything to them, they should call 911, this has not help but destroy and made kids not to be respecful to their parents and their elders. Another issue is that the teching of the word of God is not done in school, if the children are been taught in the fear of the GOD, and the way the should go, most of the negative things that are happenng in the society today would be prevented, you see young kids as early as 12 to 20 years getting pregnant, and in places where the fear of GO is been taught hadly happen this way. Many of them do not that is proper to have babies without getting married and that their bodies are the temple of God, and that they are not suppose to have sex until their are married and a lot more, my wish to that kids of this society can live a very wonderful and happy life if they are been put in the right way. By letting them them know that they ought to be very respecful to their parents and elderly people, that they are the leaders of tommorrow and that have a very important role to play in the society. I know and believe that if both the government and the leaders of the society together with their parents can come together on one accord in making this society a better place for leaving, things will be far better than what it is now.



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