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Definition of Product Proliferation

Essay by   •  August 22, 2011  •  Essay  •  250 Words (1 Pages)  •  4,149 Views

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Definition of product proliferation

Example : coles woolworths'product and the water of franklin


use diversity to capture , the drink coco cola and pepsi

use incumbent firm:

virgin blue and virgin mobile


Coles which store variety goods sell for customer demand


The cannibalization in Coles,woolworths,and other supermarket.

Discuss how one decrease price of one product will influence others.

Example: Aldi and Franklins join Coles and Woolworths in milk price war

Conclusion: sum up the diversity canniblisation

Reference: dynamicbusiness Published | February 11, 2011

The Eastern Africa Submarine Cable System (EASSy) is an undersea fibre optic cable system connecting countries of eastern Africa to the rest of the world.

EASSy runs from Mtunzini in South Africa to Port Sudan in Sudan, with landing points in nine countries and is connected to at least ten landlocked countries--which will no longer have to rely on Satellite Internet access to carry voice and data services.

EASSy is the highest capacity system serving sub-Saharan Africa, with a 3.84 Terabit per second (Tbit/s), 2 fibre-pair configuration. It is the first to deliver direct connectivity between east Africa and Europe / North America. It is also the only system with built-in resilience end-to-end. EASSy interconnects with multiple international submarine cable networks for diverse, seamless onward connectivity to Europe, the Americas, the Middle East and Asia.

The project, partially funded by the World Bank, was initiated on January 2003, when a handful of companies investigated its feasibility. The cable entered service on 16 July 2010[1] with commercial service starting on 30 July



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