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Decision to Pursue Your Master Degree in Business Administration

Essay by   •  April 16, 2012  •  Essay  •  720 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,684 Views

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The decision to pursue your Master Degree in Business Administration is a huge commitment and requires careful planning. Changes in Economy and Job Market have lead to people questioning if it is a necessity to pursue your MBA for employment.

Obtaining your graduate degree is costly and time consuming. Many college student that obtain their four year college degree, are put into a situation in which they have to work to pay off the debt that their College expenses have created. Many college students' acquire massive student load debt. According to USA Today (2010) nearly two-thirds of student's that graduate with a bachelor's degree creates a debt averaged at $23,186.This debt is from an accumulation of federal loans and private loans

Obtaining a Master degree does not necessary qualify a person for many technical positions, obtaining technical certifications and experience oftentimes out weight a Master's degree. If the job that your trying to get is working with software or hardware such as Cisco routers and switches. Earning you Master's degree in IT will not provide you with enough real world experience. Some student participate in an internship program with a company that just to allow them to get enough experience to place on a resume to get an entry level job. Earning your Master's degree in IT is only part of the solution. A formal education allows you to understand and organize business ideas that the company managers are trying to convey to their employees. The education provided by a Master's degree allows a potential employee to work at a management level. When deciding to work in a specific technical job field certain technical certifications outweigh a Master's degree. Employers of technical job fields, such as Cisco, want technical experience. The closest thing to technical experience is receiving relative technical certifications, such as the CCIE, and CCNP. Certifications like these are created test the candidate on different real life scenarios; receiving the certification validates that the individual has the proper problem solving and technical skills to get the job done. Earning you Masters Degree is an academic accomplishment for anyone, but earning your MBA does not prepare you for the real world. Many students that graduate during a poor economy are forced into taking lower level paying jobs, or they choose a job that does not fit into their career goals. The effect of a poor economy in combination with the hardships of finding employment, have many students hiding in graduate schools, unwilling to face the real world.

Completing your graduate degree increases your salary earnings. According to a study at the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2012), the difference between a Bachelor's degree and advanced degrees is a salary increase of about $193.00 per week for persons that have both a Bachelor, and Masters, Professional or Doctoral



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