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Criticism - Modernism

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1- The difference between modern – modernity – modernization :

   Modern means new , recent , and advanced while Modernity refers to the period between fifteenth and nineteenth century which could Enlightenment. This period was marked by Industrial revolution and scientific progress. Modernity resulted in the  appearance of Modernization

2- modernism definition :-

   It was an artistic movement which started at the end of nineteenth century in response of the realism in the nineteenth century . it started in Austria and moved to Italy , Germany , France , and England .

  3- the reasons of appearance :

   There were several reasons which caused of the appearance of the modernism .

  • The first reason was the traditional and conservatism nature  of the Victorian age  . Modernism wanted to get rid of the traditional nature of the Victorian age .


  • The second reason was the realism of the nineteenth century . writers didn’t use imagination to produce literature  . That’s why modernism thought to depend on creativity and imagination , but they didn’t completely neglected the element of the reality .

  • The third reason was technology  ,the progress of technology resulted in two kinds of modernist . One side of modernist writer attacked technology , and the other side defend it .
  • The fourth and final reason was the rise of the social movements which led writers to reflect the activities of social movements in literature .

These were the reasons which resulted in the appearance of modernism .

4- phases of modernism :-  


  1. Early modernism

   It was consisted of several sub movements that represented the early modernism . All these movements  were marked by chaos .

   These movements includes :-


  1. Pre Raphaelitism  :-
  • it was a group of British painters and poets who started their work on London .
  •  this  group was against the realism of the Victorian.
  • It was named after the Italian painter Raphael Sanzio . 41

  1. Impressionism :-
  • An art movement which appeared in France .
  •  It focused on the subjective experience of the writer .
  • It focused on the message of science and ordinary subject matter .
  • ليها تعريف في صفحة 38

  1. Dadaism :-
  • An art  movement which rejected meaning , reason , and authority .
  • The writer should write whatever comes into his mind .
  • Ex:-  Absurd theater : this kind of literature gives the reader the opportunity to think .

An early twentieth century movement which rejects meaning , reasons , and authority .

  1. Futurism :-
  • Started in Italy .
  • Glorified technology .
  • ليها تعريف ص 38

  1. Expressionism :-
  • Started in Germany .
  • It focused on subjective and emotional experience rather than physical reality .
  • The difference between expressionism and impressionism is that expressionism is more emotional , indirect , implied rather than impressionism .
  • ليها تعريف ص 36

  1. Imagism :-  
  • Started in USA and Britain .
  • Focused on the use of everyday language and clear images .

An early twentieth century artistic movement in the united states and Britain . They believed poets should use common , everyday vocabulary , experiment with new rhythm , and use clear , precise , concentrated imagery .

  1. Vorticism :-
  • Began in England .
  • It was short lived .
  • It focused on blinding all kind of literature .

A short lived modernist movement in British art and poetry of the early twentieth century . According to this movement , every concept , every emotion present itself to the vivid conscious in some primary form . It belongs to the art of this form .

  1. Surrealism :-
  • The final movement , and a cultural one   .
  • Started in France .
  • Focused on dreams and fiction . 40

  1. Mid , Middle, High Modernism :-

  • Most critic believed that the high modernism started with the beginning of the first world war .
  •  In this period writers wanted to reflect the nature of the war .
  • They create a type of literature which completely revolted against the order .
  • In this period there were the main figures of modernism T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound  and T.E. Hulme .
  • They were the main figures not only in the high modernism but also in the whole movement .
  1. Late Modernism :-  

   The critics disagreed about the beginning and the date of this stage . There were four different views about modernism .

  1. The first point view referred to the literature which was written after the second world war 1945 .

  1. Other critics described it as the literature which was written in the period of time that was between 1930 –and 1939 , which means in the beginning of the second world war .
  1. The third point of view which was more general is that late modernism was the period of time which started in 1930 until the end of the second world war .
  1. The fourth point of view was that the late modernism was a part of another movement which followed the moment that came after , and called post modernism .


  1. Principals of modernism :-

   These principals are contradictive because in literature nothing is fixed .

  1. The use of symbolism .
  2. They favor art rather than nature .
  3. They believed that the artist should be the hero of the literature  .
  4. They neglected morality literature should not reflect morality .
  5. They focused on the objectivity of literature ,he should not state his point of view .
  6. The use of spatial forms .without harmony .
  7. The tendency to present the concrete opposed to abstract .
  8. Increasing dependence on the verbal ambiguity .
  9. They focused on consciousness of writer like logic order .
  10. The importance of unconsciousness like dreams .
  • Consciousness and unconsciousness can coexist together .
  1. They depend on mythology especially the Greek one
  2.  They focused on the divided self because they lived on the age of war.
  3. The sense of division resulted in alienation , which mean that you live in your country but you feel loneliness in your own society .
  4. The emphasis on impressionism and subjectivity ,which the writer gives his own point of view .
  5. Their novels were characterized with the complicated of the plot .
  6. The mixing of different kind of literature .
  7. They relayed on fragmentation which refers to character, plots , themes, and style .
  8. They focused on reflexivity , which the literature should focus on literature itself .
  9. They used the time as a literary device .
  10. The use of many voices inside the work of art .they created the collective hero , the hero wasn’t individual .

                                      Postmodernism[pic 1][pic 2][pic 3]



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