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Coproduction Case

Essay by   •  August 20, 2013  •  Essay  •  410 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,278 Views

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Co-prodcution occurs when the customer and the service provider contribute to achieve an optimal outcome. Many service industries are dependant upon the involvement of their customers. The term co-production may seem new due to the recent importance marketing has placed on this notion, but co-production has always existed within the service industry.

Plastic surgery is one service industry that heavily relies on co-production. At first this statement can seem odd based on the amount of knowledge a physician requires in order to be a plastic surgeon, but the value the customer perceives is not based on the physician's surgery technique. The value is soleely derived from the satisfaction the customer feels about the final product.

Consider an individual interested in rhinoplasty. The individual can spend endless hours reseraching the best physician, veiewing before and after photos, and reading countless testimonials. After the individual makes an educated decision based on all their research they make an appointment with a well known, top rated physician. At the appointmetn the individual tells the physician she is unhappy with her nose and is interested in rhinoplasty. These are the only details the individual shares the doctor because in the mind of the individual no firther information is needed because this physician is the best in their field at this procedure. Three weeks have now passed and the indivudal is back at the physicans office to have their bandages removed. Upon the removal the indivual is beyond disappointed. They are shocked at the outcome and can not belive how unsatisfied they are.

The individual is dissatisfied because there was no co-production. It does not matter how many awrds, previous satisfied patients, or years of experience the physcian had. Without the knowledge of what this indivudal wanted the physician is left in the dark. They could never provide a satisfying experaince.

A lack of co-production in services can only lead to the customer having an unsatisifineg experience. This is why it is important to not only market the service being offered, but also market co-production. If a company strongly emphasizes their strong provider to customer relationsip their customers will feel more adept to clearly state the needs. By marketing cutomer-provider relationships the service will be understood as a two-part experience. If the customer is aware that they are expected to state their needs they will.



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