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Controversy of Cloning

Essay by   •  April 29, 2013  •  Essay  •  1,186 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,620 Views

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Have you ever thought how would it be like if someone out there you didn't know about and isn't related to you looks exactly like you? Someone who shares all your characteristics that you were born with from your hair color to the mole under your elbow. This thought shouldn't be unreasonable after the cloning of Dolly the sheep in July 1996. Let me start by defining cloning. Cloning is the process of creating a duplicate of an organism, tissue or a cell with the same exact genes. There are three different types of cloning, Gene cloning, reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning.

First type is gene cloning which reproduce copies or creates fragments of DNA. Gene cloning has various applications in different fields such as medicine, agriculture and gene libraries. Second type is reproductive cloning, which involves the creation of a duplicate. It divides into three methods. First one is natural twinning. Surprisingly clones have existed among us ages ago. They aren't the result of experiments in the lab though, they are simply identical twins created by nature. The idea of twins is an example of cloning under the type natural twinning. The process occurs when the division of the zygote (fertilized egg cell) develops into two separate embryos that further develop into two separate individuals. The fact that the two embryos come from the same zygote results in individuals that are genetically identical. Second type of reproductive cloning is artificial twinning which uses the same methodology of natural twinning only difference it is executed in a lab outside the mother's body. The separation of the embryo's individual cells is done manually then each cell is allowed to divide and develop on its own. The separate embryos are put back into a surrogate mother and are left to develop naturally. Again since the embryos come from the same zygote they are genetically identical.

The third type of reproductive cloning which happens to be the most controversial and significant is Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT). The cloning of Dolly the sheep was executed using the method of SCNT. The process starts with removing the nucleus of an egg cell and replacing it with the nucleus of a somatic cell (a body cell such as a skin cell) of the organism that is to be cloned. After the replacement, the egg cell is simulated with a shock then it begins to divide and develop, which results in a clone of the original organism. They are both genetically identical. After the first successful cloning of dolly the sheep many experiments have been done on mammal animals and were mostly successful.

The third type of cloning is therapeutic cloning. This process starts with the same procedure used in gene cloning. The resultant embryo would be allowed to grow for perhaps 14 days. The stem cells would then be extracted and encouraged to grow into a piece of human tissue or a complete human organ for transplant. The end result would not be a human being; it would be a replacement organ, or piece of nerve tissue, or quantity of skin. The first successful therapeutic cloning was accomplished in 2001-NOV by Advanced Cell Technology, a biotech company in Worcester, MA.

Cloning created an evolution in science and technology. It's a very controversial subject that faced many attacks and approvals. If we think of the future applications of cloning maybe we should consider giving it credit. Regarding medical purposes, cloning can be beneficial in the field of research for biotransplantation. When there is a shortage in human organs, animal organs can be cloned and temporarily transplanted to humans, which will replace the damaged part of the body.

Stem cells clones using therapeutic cloning from human embryos can create



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