Consumer Behaviour
Essay by murad.warriach • January 14, 2014 • Essay • 214 Words (1 Pages) • 1,417 Views
* Silica sand and sheera are mxed to form a mixture known as the black sand
* This mixture is used to fill the mold boxes , when complete and pressed will take the shape of the pattern of the product.
* Here the cores for the mould boxes are being made using the same black sand.
* The moulds are baked in the Owen at around 650 degrees Celsius to harden them.
* The mould boxes are cleaned using and air pump.
* Here the cores are carefully put in the mould boxes.
* Mould boxes are heated so that the cores and the mould become hard and any moister if any is evaporated.
* The two halves of the mould boxes are put on each other and the boxes are closed.
* this is the raw material which will be melted in the furnace.
* Furnace runs on coke and stone as feul...
* This furnace will heat upto 1300-1500 celsius
* Now scrap metal and pig iron are thrown in the furnace to melt.
* It comes out in melted form and is poured in the mould boxes. After 1- 1.5 minutes the mould boxes are opened .
* The moulded product is red hot. They are thrown in a container together where they graduall cool down in 8-10 hours.
* This is the finished product which will be sent for shot blasting and oiling.