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Conclusion on Ecology Study

Essay by   •  October 15, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,065 Words (5 Pages)  •  3,209 Views

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In soil sample technique, we are using a set of metal cylinder to get the soil sample. This technique is the most appropriate way to preserve the sample taken in natural condition and obtain results which can represent the characteristics of soil. The soil which is removed from metal cylinder contains mud, sand and clay. It can be noticed by following the different depth of the soil sample taken.

In order to determination the texture of soil, appropriate methods are used. Soil sample and water in the cylinder is shaken well to get an even mixture. This is useful so that the soil component can settle in layers according to their densities. From the result obtained showed that, the soil consists of humus, water, clay, sand, stone. Based on the height of each layer of particle the texture of soil is determined. On the other hands, the percentage of humus, water, clay, sand and stone the texture of the soil sample can be determined by referring to the texture triangle.

Height of Each Layer

Particle Particle Diameter (cm3) Percentage of Particle

Humus 2.5 1.42

Water 31.5 18.0

Clay 40.0 22.8

Sand 95.0 54.2

Stone 6.0 3.4

Total 175.0 100

Texture Triangle


Percent sand 54.2

Percent Clay 22.8

Percent Slit 23

Texture Sandy clam loam

Bulk density (g/cm3) 1.42

Saturated hydraulic conductivity (cm/hr) 0.55

Saturation (cm3 water/ cm3 soil) 0.47

Field Capacity (cm3 water/ cm3 soil) 0.25

Wilting point (cm3 water/ cm3 soil) 0.14

Plant available water

(cm3 water/ cm3 soil)

Inches water/foot soil 0.11 1.3

Dehydration is the process used to get rid of water content from the soil sample. Through the dehydration process, mass of water is obtained from the difference between mass of pie dish with soil sample before dried and mass of pie dish with soil sample after dried. A temperature of 110 ⁰c is used to make sure that the soil sample is fully dried, then cooled in the desiccators that contain silica gel. The silica gel is used to absorb all the moisture in the desiccators. The heating and cooling process is repeated for several times to get an accurate mass of the soil. Hence, the mass of water is obtained. From the result obtained, we got to know that the studied area is moist in which the range of water in soil sample is about 30%-60%. This is because our studied area at seashore which contain organic matters, such as small crab, seashell and others that can restore water.

In experiment 4, the heating process of soil sample in the crucible is used in order to get the percentage of organic matter in



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