Company Marketing Position Comparison
Essay by Nova Chen • November 8, 2015 • Case Study • 1,942 Words (8 Pages) • 1,376 Views
Module Information
MSc Marketing/ International Marketing
07 07003
Compulsory Module / 20 credits
September 2015
Module Leader: Peter Hyde
This module is a core module that aims to introduce the main marketing principles, theory and practice as it applies in consumer, industrial and service organizations. The module’s purpose is to explore the manner in which firms can gain competitive advantage by adopting a consumer orientation.
Learning outcomes
On completion of this module, you will typically have knowledge and understanding of:
Key Topic Areas
1. Introduction to and Role and Nature of Marketing
2. Marketing Concepts, Strategy Formulation and Competitive Environment
3. Consumer Buying Behaviour
4. Marketing Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
5. Product Management, Branding and New Product Development
6. Pricing Decisions
7. Promotion Decisions
8. Distribution
9. Introduction to Services and Relationship Marketing
A final schedule of weekly topics will be issued at the start of the module.
Continuous Assessment:
One group assignment to count for 30% of total mark
Examination Component:
One 3 hour exam to count for 70%
Your Group report must be handed in to Sean Brawley in the MSc office, University House before 12 noon on Monday 23 November 2015 and should not exceed 2000 words. Exceeding the word limit will result in marks being deducted. All reports should contain a full bibliography. Any appendices attached to the report do not count as words.
One copy of your group assignment should be loaded into TURNITIN on CANVAS for a plagiarism check. Details on how to upload are given in your handbook.
Essential text-book (s):
Principles of Marketing, Kotler & Armstrong, 16th ed, 2015
The Marketing Book, Ed. Baker M J, Butterworth Heinneman, 6th ed, 2008
The schedule for the course is as follows:
Session 1 The nature & role of Marketing
Reading KA Ch 1, 2
B Ch 1
Session 2 Marketing Strategy and the Environment
Reading KA Ch 3 & 17
B Ch 2 & 3
Session 3 Buyer Behaviour
Reading KA Ch 5 & 6
B Ch 5 & 6
Session 4 Market Segmentation
Reading KA Ch 7
B Ch 9
Session 5 Product and Brand
Reading KA Ch 8 & 9
B Ch 16
Session 6 Marketing Communications
Reading KA Ch 14, 15 & 16
B Ch 17
Session 7 Pricing
Reading KA Ch 10 & 11
B Ch 14
Session 8 Distribution
Reading KA Ch 12 & 13
B Ch 19
Session 9 Marketing Services and Relationship Marketing
Session 10 Revision
Recommended Reading
Piercy, Market-led Strategic Change, 4th ed, Taylor Francis 2009
C.Gronroos, Service management & Marketing, 3rd ed, Wiley 2007
G.Hooley, B. Nicolaud, N. Piercy, Marketing Strategy & Competitive Positioning, 5th ed, Prentice Hall, 2012
O.C.Ferrell, Hartline, Marketing Management Strategies, 5th ed, South Western, 2011
D.West, Ford, Ibrahim, Strategic Marketing, 2nd Ed, Oxford, 201Kotler, K.L.Keller Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control. 14th ed 2012, Prentice-Hall.
F. Lusch, S.L. Vargo,The Service-dominant Logic of Marketing, 2006 ME Sharpe
MJ Baker, S Harte, The Marketing Book 6th Ed 2008 Butterworth Heinemann
D Ford. Managing Business Relationships 2nd ed 2003. Wiley.
Payne. Handbook of CRM 2006 Butterworth Heinnemann
deChernatony. From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation 3rd 2010, Butterworth Heinemann
deChernatony M McDonald Creating Powerful Brands 4th Ed; 2011, Butterworth Heinemann
Ambler Marketing and the Bottom Line2nd ed 2003 Prentice Hall
J Davis Measuring Marketing 2007, Wiley
Doyle. Value Based Marketing 2000, Wiley
M McDonald Marketing Plans 7th ed 2011 Butterworth Heinemann
N.Kumar, Marketing as Strategy, 2004 HBS
.Zeithaml, M.J.Bitner, DD. Gremler Services Marketing 6th Ed. 2012
Enis and K.K. Cox. Marketing Classics: A Selection of Influential Articles. Allyn and Bacon
Solomon, G. Bamossy, S. Askegaard, M. Hogg, Consumer Behaviour European European Ed 2013 Pearson
K.L.Keller, Strategic Brand Marketing, 4th Ed 2008 Pearson
P.J. McGoldrick. Retail Marketing. McGraw-Hill.