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Community Policing

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Community policing is a strategy and policy aimed at achieving more effective crime control, its other aims is to improve lives, reduce fear of crime, improve provision of police services, and legitimacy. Theism is reliant on utilizing community resources in order to change the crime causing resources.  The policy assumes a need for greater accountability, public share of knowledge in decision making and increasing concern for civil rights and liberties. .     This policy was established in 1994 by the violence crime control and law enforcement act of 1994. The act established the office of the community oriented policing services (cops) to promote community welfare. This policy demand police officer to proactively approach and address the community safety concerns. (Friedmann, 1996).

 The earliest organization of police was considered political; this means police were essentially concerned with the welfare of those in power and therefore were corrupted by those in power due to close association.  This was at a time where policing was associated with political machine rising in the late 1800s and early 1900s.  Reformers in early 1900s started challenging the corruption of t the local government.  The good government movement tried to reform the police by trying to’ take out politic out of policing. The movement came up with strategies aimed at administrative reforms.  The reform era tried to make police legally accountable more specifically of having lawful police9 (1920s-19600s)

 The development of this policy framework gave organizations an opportunity to contribute in the evolution of CP (Bureau of Justice Assistance, 1994). The policy was derived from a broken windows theory. Broken window is a social disorder what requires the attention of a community oriented officer.

 In evaluating the effectiveness of community policing, you evaluate the crime rate trends for a given geographical area.  There are three tools for evaluating crime rated in the use: UCR, NIBRS and NCVS.

Works Cited

Bureau of Justice Assistance. (1994). Understanding Community Policing . A framework For Action. NCJ.

Community Policing Dispatch . (2012, January). Hawthorne PD launches Coffee with a Cop. Retrieved April 30, 2016 , from Community Policing Dispatch :

Friedmann, R. R. (1996). Community Policing:Some Conceptual and Practical Considerations. Home Affairs Review, 114.

Miller, J. R. (2008). “Measuring Influences on Public Opinion of the Police Using Time-Series Data: Results of a Pilot Study. Police Quarterly .

Ortmeier, P. J., & Meese III , E. (2009). Leadership, ethics, and policing: Challenges for the 21st century. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Quinney, R. (2008). "Structural Characteristics, Population Areas, and Crime Rates in the United States," , . The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science, 57(1), p. 45-52 .




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