Communication Case
Essay by Kill009 • March 27, 2012 • Essay • 406 Words (2 Pages) • 1,797 Views
Serving in the military for 10 years, I have learned the value of an education. Throughout the years I've learned that my educated peers have excelled and the one's without an education didn't excel as fast or at all. As a Sailor on an Aircraft Carrier, we were forwarded the opportunity to get an education called PACE Classes. There were instructors that were flown to the ship to educate. If there was time and your Supervisor allowed you to go during working hours you could, but if you had a job that was demanding and required the ship to operate, then you weren't allowed to participate. I was forwarded the opportunity, but once I started taking the classes, I started falling behind due to work related issues.
The reason I'm putting forth the time, effort, and dedication into obtaining my degree, now, is to better myself. I also want my children to see me as a role model to follow, like my parents are to me. Once my degree is obtained, there are more opportunities for me, on my career path.
Once I receive my degree, I would like to open up a daycare center. I love children and that has been my passion since I was young. My husband doesn't think it would be professional to have young children in our house, so he will build a facility outside of our home, dedicated to childcare only. Once my husband retires, I would like both of us to run the daycare facility, together as a family business.
I felt as though I didn't use the opportunities given to me by the military to obtain my degree in the last 10 years. As a result, I am really dedicated into getting good grades to ensure my GPA is great, so I can continue to further my education once I receive my Bachelor's Degree. I definitely want my children to follow in my footsteps, by continuing their education right after High School and not waiting so long, like I did. I think it's much easier when you don't take long breaks, plus the motivation and the education is still embedded. This is a great opportunity for me and I have to take advantage of it.
Stevens, Kyle W. (2009). How to format an APA College Paper, Helpful Templates,
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