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Communcation Project and Ethics

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September 5, 2011

Ethics Activity

1. I would make sure I mention both polls but the one that I agree with more would be my focus. I would point out the shortcomings in the poll and make sure I site the important information to make my point.

2. I would ask questions after the instructor asks for comments on the speech. I would say I read an article a couple of weeks ago that said just about the same thing. Then I would let the classmate explain in their words if they got inspiration from the article or if they knew anything about the article. Just because an article said, the same thing does not mean the person copied from it. Some people do think alike and the classmate may have been thinking the same thing the article was saying. I would have to know facts before I accuse and make sure I go and get the exact article to compare notes before I speak up.

3. No, I would not add the quotation in my speech. Though it may be a good quotation, it does not support what I am trying to say. I would try to find a quotation from someone that supports the policy that I am advocating.

At Open Options we want people to feel at ease about picking the right career path and we want to help them make the best decision in choosing the right path. We will be conducting an interview with the potential client and answering any and all questions they have. We will narrow the field down to two careers that are the most important. We will then research both careers and find out the salary, education that is required, and the working conditions of both careers. We will then find what the client's concerns are and what he would be willing to do for each career.

In this report we will research different web sites and books pertaining to picking the right career and study the two the client most wants to do. We will note the differences and likes of both careers. We will then analyze all information and prepare a report on which one would best suite his needs. We will then make our recommendations and conclusions from our research and give him the best possible answer. We will also take other suggestions from people in the field that he wants to get into to get real world views on both career paths.

I will give my final review and make the best suggestion or the client and maybe offer help in how to get started based on financial need and whatever else he may need. I will give him my honest opinion and give him the tools to help him make a decision. I will also give him any reference materials so that he can look things up on his own and discuss everything we talked about with his family.

Client Interview

What type of Job are you looking for? Well I would like something either in the Information Technology Field or Becoming an Engineer.

Can you be more specific so that we



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