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Columbia Statment of Purpose

Essay by   •  November 1, 2018  •  Creative Writing  •  488 Words (2 Pages)  •  868 Views

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Michel Geday

January 18, 2018        

People from seventy-five different nations all chose to spend three weeks in the same place, a highly decorated High School Summer Program that offers outstanding courses, taught by highly educated professors in arguably one of the best cities in the world, New York City. Aside from the classes, I imagine making a new friend from each country, obtaining a broader perspective on the world, but there is one country in specific that catches my attention, Israel. I am Lebanese citizen, and within my country, it would almost be considered treason to even speak well of an Israeli person. But, I aspire to break walls between the nations and show that politics should not affect how we see other beings.

 I imagine my new friend to come from a civilized and structured country, surrounded by numerous types of people. A nation so oppressed by the Arab world that Arab people aren’t able to see the country for its real beauty. He/she would live a regular life, much like mine, overwhelmed by school, and longing for summer break for a chance to relax, only to be worried about college, and what the future lies ahead. He/she would be enrolled in “Media and Politics: with a vast knowledge of our modern society and the significant role that they play in our world, but would still understand when all of that should be put aside of the greater good of humanity. We will learn that regardless of our differences in religion, ideas, and nationality; we are similar in numerous ways. We both love surfing, love eating pizzas, and are both born on the same day. On the outside, these seem like nonsignificant attributes, but the reality behind shows that no matter how different our countries think they are, we together are both human and it’s the small things that are indeed able to bring us together as individuals.

After chatting for what seems like hours, we discuss our countries and are both surprised to find out how different our countries appear to be, in contrast to what has been thought of previously. We talk about how the changes we can make in our countries, and show unity and compassion in hopes for a better mindset. I learn that Israel has some of the most beautiful beaches and is a very significant place both religiously and historically. Likewise, I teach my new friend all about Lebanon, from the beautiful caves that mesmerize every new guest, to the mountains covered in snow as people ski and snowboard all throughout winter. It is a discussion where all stereotypes are overlooked, and the reality is foreseen. A discussion where the stories become more and more interesting as every word is said, a discussion that brings us closer after every fact and opinion is stated, and most importantly, a discussion where no idea will be judged.



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