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Cleopatra Film Essay

Essay by   •  November 14, 2011  •  Case Study  •  1,164 Words (5 Pages)  •  2,222 Views

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Queen Cleopatra was born c. 69 BCE, in Egypt, and died c. 30 BCE. Cleopatra is one of the most famous female rulers in history. Her family had ruled Egypt for over a century before her birth. After the death of her father, Ptolemy XII, Cleopatra became Queen and ruled Egypt alongside her brother, Ptolemy. Cleopatra became Queen at eighteen years of age, eight years older than her brother. Cleopatra had claimed to be the divine goddess Isis. The goal here is to examine the film Cleopatra and point out a few similarities and/or differences with historical records. "The Two million dollar budgeted movie ended up costing forty four million and almost bankrupted twentieth century fox." (Elizabeth Taylor, 2011). First, a short background leading up to the first scene of the film.

In 70 BC, Generals Pompey and Crassus became the two Consuls of Rome, and in 59 BC, Crassus invited Julius Caesar to join him and Pompey in a Triumvirate to govern Rome. This was the first Triumvirate in history, and it lasted until the death of Crassus in 53 BC. At this point, Caesar and Pompey fought for control of Rome. The Senate feared Caesars popularity with the masses, and Caesar was declared a public enemy of Rome. He was ordered to disband his army, but Caesar refused to do so unless Pompey disbanded his army as well. Pompey did not agree, and so Caesar marched on Rome. Pompey fled to Rome and was, at first, granted sanctuary by Ptolemy XIII, but was assassinated shortly after by Ptolemy's vizier, Pothinus. This is where the film Cleopatra begins.

Julius Caesar arrives in Alexandria to discover that Queen Cleopatra has been deposed by her brother Ptolemy and that General Pompey had been murdered. Soldiers present Pompey's head to Caesar in the hopes that it would please him; it did not. Caesar was displeased and ordered the soldiers to find the rest of Pompey's body and give him an honorable burial. Caesar goes on to inquire to Ptolemy as to the whereabouts of Queen Cleopatra. A while later Cleopatra is presented to Caesar, rolled up in a rug, disguised as a gift for Caesar. She does this in an attempt to gain favor with Caesar so he will declare her the sole ruler of Egypt. Caesar and Cleopatra develop an intimate relationship, and Caesar does in fact depose of her brother and makes Cleopatra the sole ruler of Egypt. Cleopatra gives birth to a son, Caesarion, which Caesar takes as his heir. However, Caesar is not permitted to remain in Alexandria and is forced to return to Italy. Cleopatra and Caesar are unable to see each other, except for a brief time at a reception in Rome. Unfortunately, Caesar is murdered not long after by Brutus and other conspirators. The people of Rome gather around the burning of Caesar and throw furniture and other debris on the fire. Marc Anthony bids his farewell to Queen Cleopatra, and she boards a ship back to Egypt. This ends part one of the film.

Part two begins with Caesar's murderers being hunted down and killed. Marc Anthony is named 1/3 ruler of Rome, and desperately wished to meet with Queen Cleopatra. She agrees to meet with Anthony but only on Egyptian territory. She brings her boat to Tarsus but refuses to take a step off of it. Cleopatra keeps true to her word, and forces Anthony to come on to Egyptian territory. Anthony agrees, and that night is the first time he and Cleopatra become intimately involved. Not long after, despite his love for Cleopatra, Anthony marries Octavia, sister of Octavian, in order to secure



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