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Cj 110 - What Are the Four Modern Sentencing Options? Under What Circumstances Might Each Be Appropriate, for Example?

Essay by   •  November 6, 2016  •  Course Note  •  977 Words (4 Pages)  •  5,213 Views

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1. What are the four modern sentencing options? Under what circumstances might each be appropriate, for example?

The four modern sentencing options are fines, probation, imprisonment, and death.

Fines: Are given to minor offenses and the first-time offender. The crimes that typically fall under are “minor drug possession (of a small amount of marijuana, for example), fish and game violations, shoplifting, traffic violations, and first-time drunk driving cases” (NOLO.COM). Also “disturbing the peace, disorderly conduct, public drunkenness, and Vandalism” (Schmalleger p.289).

Probation: This is also known as “Suspend Sentence and Probation” (NOLO.COM) or “a sentence served while under supervision in the community” (Schmalleger, P309). When the offender sentence is suspended, and the offender has to compile with certain rules, for example, getting drug tested once a week and he has to report to his probation officer. Here is a small list of the things the offender would have to comply if he is under probation:

“Obey all laws (even petty laws like jaywalking have been known to land a probationer back in jail).

Abide by any court orders, such as an order to pay a fine or restitution.

Report regularly to the probation officer.

Report any change of employment or address to the probation officer.

Abstain from the excessive use of alcohol or the use of any drugs.

Submit to regular alcohol or drug testing.

Refrain from travel outside of the jurisdiction without prior permission of the probation officer.

Avoid certain people and places.” (NOLO.COM)

Imprisonment: When someone is under incarceration sentencing or issue one, it is due to the type of crime they committed and found guilty. But this is only imposed to those convicted of a felony.

Death: It is final, people do fear from the death penalty, But someone who is not in his good mental health or a person highly motivated to take an act of revenge will not be affected by death sentencing.

2. Explain the differences between indeterminate sentencing and the various types of sentencing within the structured sentencing model.

Those under indeterminate sentence are serving the maximum or minimum time of incarceration, Once they are found guilty. The others, which are structured sentencing. The structure sentencing includes “determinate sentencing: requires that a convicted offender be sentenced to a fix term that may be reduced by good time or gain time… Voluntary/advisory sentencing: consist of recommended sentencing policies that are not required by law (schmalleger p.2720)”. The judges also use the prior sentencing as a guideline to guide the judges. The presumptive sentencing: “It specifies an appropriate or "normal" sentence for each offense to be used as a baseline for a judge when meting out a punishment” (FindLaw).

3.Describe how the goal of restoration is different from the goal of rehabilitation. Provide examples of which types of crimes might be best served by restoration and which types of crimes might be served best by rehabilitation.

The goal of Restoration is to make the victim “whole again.” It’s the beginning process of a healing state for



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