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Choosing the Best Person for the Job

Essay by   •  January 7, 2012  •  Essay  •  679 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,099 Views

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Choosing the best person for the job

Our group decided that Atasi Das should get the position. She is a woman, which could potentially gain credit to the company for being an equal opportunity employer and for giving opportunities to women to rise to high positions. It will also show India as a progressive country. All these aspects are definitely good for PR and CSR purposes. Atasi has an MBA from an American university and she has been with the company for twelve years. She has climbed the ladder in the company quite progressively, she is ambitious, rates excellent and she has been interested in international position since she has joined TCT. She speaks Hindi; she is single and will likely devote to her career.

Our Team agreed that Jalan Bukit Seng would be the most Difficult candidate since he seemed to have the highest ambitions and self-esteem. It was Jalan Clear to us that would want to leave the company after being defeated by an Indian woman. However, We wanted to make an effort to keep him in the company. After a long discussion we settled on offering him a US-based managerial position but if he refused or made ??things complicated, we would let him go.

On the contrary, Tom Wallace was an easy one. We all basically saw his motivation to become the Indian subsidiary managing director as rather desperate, considering the position he is in. He is about to retire in four years and his position is soon to be eliminated due to some reorganization. Therefore he tries to remain in the company under any circumstances. However, he has no overseas experiences and has been on several occasions refused an overseas posting. Therefore we saw his motivation rather negatively but still did not want to lose him because dismissing a loyal and long-time worker would not be fair and would not look good. Therefore we all established offering Tom Wallace an in-house consultancy and coach position could be a win-win solution.

Saumitra Chakraborty is a young assistant to the departing managing director. We all thought he might overestimate his potential applying for his former superior's position but also agreed on keeping him in the company. In his case, we approved offering him some managerial training and keeping him in his former position but with extended responsibilities. He would continue serving as the new managing director's assistant but would newly take on some public affairs and lobbying tasks. We would use his experience as an assistant as well as his local knowledge.

We liked Ravai Desai's devotion to the company and wanted to keep him because we could see a big potential in him. On the other hand, we also considered him quite a traditional person. After a thorough discussion we decided on making him an assistant managing director of the Indian operations.



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