Chivalry Case
Essay by natashaS • January 13, 2013 • Essay • 403 Words (2 Pages) • 1,393 Views
Chivalry is not the same as it was in the past. Chivalry is not dead, but it does seem to be changing. Chivalry is a code of conduct or a sign of respect. In the past chivalry was usually referred to men taking care of women because they needed protection and because they were considered inferior and lesser to men. Now a day chivalry is based on equality and respect. Some may think that chivalry is dead but it has really been evolving.
In the past chivalry was shown when a man would walk on the outside of the sidewalk to protect the women, or when men would wear a hat to protect the women from water being thrown out of windows from above. Things that gentlemen have done for women in the past may be considered silly now, but back then that was the way that men were raised and taught to show respect to a women.
As time has passed women have become more independent. Reasons they became more independent is because laws changed and when war started women had to survive on their own. When men were off at war women had to raise a family by themselves and be able to provide shelter and food for their family. World War II was a turning point in women's history and attitude toward women. Since this turning point it has allowed people to look at chivalry differently. The reason WWII was a big turning point was because women had to work in factories and they did work that usually men did. After the war women didn't want to give up their jobs.
Chivalry today is more of a reciprocal attitude rather than one gender doing something for the other. Today a man may open the door for a woman but if the woman is there first she might hold the door for a man instead, or whoever gets to the door first holds the door for the person behind them. Sure it is nice to have a chair out for you before you sat down, regardless if it was in the past or today. The real evolution of chivalry today is the attitude that men have toward women, and the respect that men show to women as equal partners.