Certificated, Hijaabis, Abusive and Violent
Essay by Kill009 • February 16, 2012 • Essay • 869 Words (4 Pages) • 1,606 Views
C.H.A.V.S Part 2
Certificated, Hijaabis, Abusive and violent
Part 1 covered the innocence of young Asian girls growing up and "finding themselves" flunking uni and marrying the Donkey King of Peshawar and have children who look like Bottom out of Midsummer Nights dream. So what about those sisters who were the strongest and carried the weaker students? What about those Hijaabis who worked hard and graduated from the finest universities with great degrees? Who have worked hard and got themselves professional careers? It is only fair that we include and applaud these women and highlight their contributions to society.
Perhaps we need to really look at the core of the problem, it isn't really a battle of the sexes, no, for these young hijaabis there is a deep seated insecurity which leaps out every time they speak to a Muslim man. It is almost as if they have their claws out at all times ready to pounce if a man is to speak to them. Just in case the man tries to somehow repress their freedom or tie them to the kitchen, (even if he is a guy they meet in the lift).
This is true of the sisters who "think" (being the operative word) that they are somehow better than everyone else purely because they have got a piece of paper that says they can read and write. The moment they get that qualification they get on a pedestal which they think makes their poo poo smells like roses and all of humanity has to serve them.
What about those who go on to do Masters/PhDs? The PhD chavs. These sisters are the hardest women to marry-because regardless of what they say, they believe that the certificate they hold so dear indicates that they somehow are smarter than the average bear. They will snub all proposals because... he doesn't have a similar level of education or... I want someone I can look up to and if he over rides her in her educational status she will move to her next level of dumbness.. Oh but I want someone tall so I feel protected or... I want someone who earns more than me so I can be a "lady". These women are argumentative, never satisfied, greedy and pompous in their own selves.
Then you have the sisters that finished university and went on to work in the City in the corporate world. These sisters very quickly lose their femininity, their softness, and any type of deen they once had apart from maybe their headscarf. They are so busy trying to be 'mean' and 'hard' that they lose the essential qualities of a woman. And they of course spend their time laughing and joking (flirting) with their male colleagues, hoping that they may just embrace Islam and marry them.
Of course, both the City chav and PhD chav have super great relationships with their Non Muslim (generally white) male colleagues. They will flirt with Mark and Chad all the way to Starbucks, often take scenic routes