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Celebrity Endorsement

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Research Methodology

Celebrity Endorsement


Azeem Qassim, Hasham chohan, Eimon Nawaz Cheema


Due to the immense availability of media, the emergence of a new stage of commercial

communication has taken place. An increase in the use of celebrities in brand message

communication among both non luxury brands and luxury brands has taken place. In the

advertising industry the concept celebrity endorsement has been moderately observable.

The effect celebrity endorsement branding has on success of a product is examined in this study. The aim of the study is to examine the success of product and performance of company due to celebrity endorsement. To measure that a questionnaire was constructed for a deeper feel of the matter and a survey was conducted for a general view.

As to the results of the study, a majority of consumers are highly involved in buying products those are advertised through celebrity endorsement. There is a distinct preference of

Celebrity endorsement. In this research we found that female celebrity has more effect on consumers, attitude towards brand, advertisement, purchase intentions, and attributes are more positive in case of female celebrity adds then male.


The use of celebrities in advertisements has been rapidly increasing, as it is believed to contribute substantial positive impact on financial returns for the companies that use them (Endorgan, 2001). In 1975, only 15% of prime time TV advertising featured celebrities (Forkan, 1975). In 1978, it went up to 20%, and approximately 10% of the dollars spent on TV advertising featured celebrities (Anonymous, 1978; Sherman, 1985). A recent estimates approximately 25 percent of American commercials in year 2000 use celebrity endorsers (Shimp, 2000), in other words, one out of four commercials features a celebrity. (Celebrity endorser and respondents gender: Its impact on company, behavioral and attitudinal variables)

Celebrity endorsement in it self is a very vast topic for research, one cannot focus on all the perspectives of celebrity endorsement. It includes the impact of celebrity endorsement on youth, its impact on the company, brand image, success of product, and many more. We are going to measure impact of male and female celebrity on purchase intentions,

Many studies with regards to celebrity endorsers, researchers have included the issue of demographics (Atkins and Block, 1983; Kanungo and Pang, 1973). Nevertheless, many of these studies on celebrity endorser have looked at the issue of gender, but from the perspective of the consumer themselves and not of the endorser gender specifically.

Objective of this study is to reveal the difference between the female and male celebrity endorsement on customer and find out the most prominent factors those play the key role in the success of an endorsement. The research objective is to explore the link between the customer and endorse and the consumer psyche and determine a model which can help any brand to identify the gender difference to concentrate on while going for any celebrity endorsement.

Advertising is a key role for a brand to sustain in the market, even those brands which are very much popular and are on maturity level use the technique of advertising to remain in the market and consumers mind, and for this one of the most used technique is celebrity endorsement, which directly effects the consumer and their buying intentions. Gender of the endorse matters a lot in an advertisement, some female consumers attends towards male celebrity and some female consumers attends towards the female celebrity and the same case in revised in males. Our research will provide the information and knowledge about the mind set and psyche of consumer while watching add on TV or reading it from a news paper. This shows the importance of our study for the marketer perspective and for the policy makers.

Many studies and research had been done on the celebrity endorsement, its impact on success of product, company, brand image, and many others. Our study is focusing on measurement of difference between the female and male endorsement. Our study will contributes a lot towards the advertising industry, it will help add makers to make adds according to the psyche of consumers, how they perceive adds and their intention towards gender.


Basic Research:

Our research is basic research because it has broader objective of generating knowledge and problem that is occurring in almost every product.

Applied Research:

our research is also applied research because it aimed at finding solution to the currently experience problem (consumer is more attractive towards female celebrity) in the marketing world.

Frame work

Celebrity Endorsement is very vast and important topic. Many companies said that it is a very important factor of the success of our product, favoritism of customer for their favorite stars, and sportsman, result in the rise in the sale of a product.

Other side of the coin, means the potential customers says that the company cash our likeness of celebrity. They make us feel that the group of people which we like and want to be like them use our products, and this is the only reason of being famous, while some companies complain that celebrity dose not effect the majority of the customers.

Our focus is to measure the difference in attitude towards the add, attitude towards the brand, purchase intention, and advertising attributes on the basis of gender. What is the effect of male and female endorsee on these variables.

Our frame work contains two groups, celebrity ads with male and celebrity ads with female, and four variables attitude towards add, attitude towards brand, purchase intentions and advertising attributes.


Attitude towards add:

This variable explains the attitude of respondents towards add, we measure the



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