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Causes and Effect of Forgetfulness

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MARCH, 2014


Title Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

Table of Contents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

Chapter 1

Background of the study ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3- 8

  1. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3- 5
  2. Statement of the Problem -------------------------------------------------------- 6
  3. Hypothesis ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7- 8

Chapter 2

Presentation of Data ------------------------------------------------------------------ 9- 10

Chapter 3

Conclusion ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11

Recommendation --------------------------------------------------------------------- 12

Bibliography ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13

Chapter 1



It is normal to forget things from time to time, and it is normal to become somewhat more forgetful as you age. But how much forgetfulness is too much?

Forgetting or retention loss refers to apparent loss of information already encoded and stored in an individual’s long term memory. It is a spontaneous or gradual process in which old memories are unable to be recalled from memory storage.

Forgetfulness is a common condition. But it can be a serious condition too, for sometimes in some individual.

It is proven through the researcher and through the persons involved that forgetfulness for sometimes is normal but this forgetfulness for sometimes affected them most. It is really good or normal? And how oftentimes is that sometimes. That is why forgetfulness had a big mistake if you are one of them.

According to Hermann Ebbinghaus, German psychologist who studied the Mechanisms of Forgetfulness he stated that “using himself as the sole subject in his experiment, he memorized three letter syllable words, two consonants and one vowel in the middle. He then measured his own capacity to relearn a given list of words often or variety of given time period. He found that forgetting occurs in a systematic manner, beginning rapidly and then leveling off. Although his methods were primitive, his basic premised have held true today and have been reaffirmed by more methodologically sound methods.

According to the Encyclopedia of Questions and Answers, “many things can cause forgetfulness. Sometimes the blood supply to the brain it is not effective. The brain cells become starved of oxygen and nutrients, leading to dizzy spell and forgetfulness.

According to General Psychology with values development lessons, “Decay of memory traces- according to this oldest theory of forgetting, memory traces decay with time. When memory persists, it is because practice has added new traces. Distortion of memory traces- some experience may be learned in a distorted formed, and the memory traces are, therefore, inaccurate from the start. Motivated forgetting- this is a variable in forgetting involving the individuals motive or desire to remember or to forget. People seem to repress certain memories. They often remember pleasant events much more easily than unpleasant ones.

Based from my observation, I’ve seen a problem about forgetfulness of the students in Ditumabo National High School in which a school I came from.

During my high school days, even in the present time, I always noticed that students getting forgetful which for sometimes they are asking permission to go out because “I forgot my … Oh no!, I forgot what is our assignment,” that is why those lines give me an overcome to have a research about forgetfulness which focus to the forgetfulness of the teenagers (13-17 years old) at Ditumabo National High School even what forgetfulness cannot be avoided at all times but it can be lessen.

The study regarding forgetfulness is very important especially the teenagers who are experiencing this called “forgetfulness”. We have the right to know and to have the study about it.

This research encourage the entire well-beings most of all, the teenagers to be aware on what they feels.

This research is also important to the students. Through this, they could understand that forgetfulness can be less and they can easily understand what is/are the problems in their memories.

No matter how intelligent or skilled a learner is if he could not able to remember some of the important things he must learned. The things you’ve learned will be senseless.

Now, I am going to conduct a research about forgetfulness because I wondered why what are the things behind this called “forgetfulness” and how to come up with it.


The researcher wanted to solve the following questions regarding forgetfulness of the students in Ditumabo National High School at age 13- 17 years old.

  1. How often does forgetfulness experience?
  2. What are the causes of forgetfulness?
  3. What are the effects of forgetfulness?
  4. How can be less the forgetfulness?
  5. Is there anything can do to help keep memory sharp?


The researcher had made his hypothesis regarding to the causes and effects of the forgetfulness based on his opinions about the said problems.

The following statements are the hypothesis that has the potential to solve the problem under the statement of the problem.

  1. How often does forgetfulness experience?

As I experienced and observed within myself I always forget something whether in school or in house.

  1. What are the causes of forgetfulness?
  1. Having hectic schedules.
  2. Having a family problem.
  3. Emotional problems brought by being teenagers.
  4. Having a brain cells problem.
  1. What are the effects of forgetfulness?
  1. They were failed to their task/ responsibilities.
  2. They were not able to attend in the important event in which they were concerned.
  1. How can be less the forgetfulness?

By self- motivation we can lessen being forgetful. Motivate yourself to remember the things you forget so that your memories will be able to refresh and cherish on your minds.

  1. Is there anything can do to help keep memory sharp?
  1. Participate in different activities in your community.
  2. Having a regular exercise.
  3. Having a healthy diet by eating healthy and wealthy foods.

Chapter 2


        The researcher gathered data for this research through conducting an observation, through informal interviews, and by providing questionnaires to the high schools students and their suggestions and answers who experiencing forgetfulness.



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