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Causal Relationship Between Television and Effects on Today's Youth

Essay by   •  December 20, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,162 Words (5 Pages)  •  2,672 Views

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There is a causal relationship between television media and the attitude of today's youth. First, the television media industry has corrupted the value system of the American youth. Second, the average American child is being virtually raised by the television media. Third, television media has too much power and influence in our children's lives. Finally, the television is not the sovereign deciding factor in how we raise our children so why do we allow it to control our lives?

First, the television media industry has corrupted the value system of the American youth. In a media conscience world today it is impossible to go five minutes without being interrupted by something happening in the media whether it is positive or negative. The youth of today are over exposed to sex, violence, drug and alcohol usage and that comes from just watching the six o' clock news. Today, the connection between television violence and destructive and violent behavior in real life has been well documented. You can see the results just by picking up a newspaper or watching the news to see gang violence increasing, youth involved crimes and the prisons are filled with young males. Television can be extremely influential in forming an impressionable child or adolescent's values and attitudes. Television now reaches children at an even younger age and for more time than any other socializing persuasion, except family. The average child spends 25-50 hours a week watching television, surfing the web and playing video games, that is more time than they spend in school or doing any other activities except sleeping. The Parents Television Council states "It is estimated that by the time an average child leaves elementary school, he or she will have witnessed 8,000 murders and over 100,000 other acts of violence."1 Many youths in our society today have been taught that there are no moral absolutes. Many teens say that TV shows and movies make it seem normal for teenagers to have sex. Young teens rank entertainment media as the top source of information about sexuality and sexual health. At least 3 out of 10 teenagers say they have gotten ideas on speaking with their boyfriends and girlfriends about sexual issues from the entertainment media.

Second, the average American child is being virtually raised by the television media. Television does offer some good points. It can be entertaining and enlightening, and can open up new a world for kids. It can give them a chance to travel the globe, learn about different customs, and discover experiences they may never encounter in their own area. There are also negative effects with Television. Spending too much time watching television can take time away from healthy activities like playing outside with friends, spending time with the family, and not taking the time to sit down to have dinner together. Excessive television time also takes away from playing sports, music, art or other activities that necessitate practice to develop skills. Moreover, television is such a presence in our lives that there are channels for babies and toddlers to watch. This time spent watching television replaces time spent connecting with parents, care providers and other children. Social interaction is vital to a baby's healthy development. Media technology currently gives us more ways to access television content, by using the internet, cell phones and iPods. This has led to an increase in time spent watching television; the average



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