Business Case
Essay by HeartDestr0yer • December 2, 2013 • Essay • 383 Words (2 Pages) • 1,284 Views
The circular flow model is well defined as the flow of resources. Where it flows from households to firms to products to firms back to households and the flow can be in reverse money from firms to households and households to firms. The circular flow is made from the following: resource market, households, product market, businesses, and the government. The continuous movement of production, income, and resources between producers and consumers by businesses for the resources employed in production. This flow moves through product markets, as the gross domestic product of our economy and is the revenue received by businesses in payment for this production. The flow of revenue flows to resource markets as payments In the United States and in other free enterprise systems, the resources and products is mostly determined by supply and demand. Demand is defined as the number of goods and services that consumers are willing to buy at different prices at a specific time. Supply is defined as the number of products-goods and services that businesses are willing to sell at different prices at a specific time.
Someone that I knew years ago brought her first home. As far as I remember she told me when buying a home require credit. In order for it to be brought it have or has to be appraised for the property as for market value where was mostly of the professional of the one who appraises it where the seller is paid. First she needs to get pre approved by a lender where she can provide financing information to generate a mortgage loan for the house. Next is the cash flow of the economy where she established the official relationship through a contractor where the realtor wage is three percent of the sale towards the close sale for the house and the real estate negotiates between the seller and the buyer where it can be split down the middle 50-50. Where she choose the house and get ready to be brought where she can put down a good down payment once the the down payment was settled it goes the seller where the deal is close and the offerings begins and she can accept or not accept the offer. When she accepts the offer the surveyor looks at the property.