Bus 472 - International Etiquette
Essay by Stella • December 9, 2011 • Term Paper • 1,913 Words (8 Pages) • 1,728 Views
International Etiquette
Renata Page
Respectfull submitted: Julia McMillan
International business is the way of the world. Everywhere you go you hear or read about companies that are doing business internationally. When conducting business international there are several things to look at. One of the most important things in our business career is etiquette. We need to learn how to conduct ourselves in the business world whether that is domestically or internationally. As the business world evolves so does international business. When building business relationships across the world it depends on our ability to learn about other cultures. In this paper we will discuss what business etiquette is, what international etiquette is and how to conduct ourselves in the international business world.
Etiquette is defined as "conventional requirements as to proper social behavior" (dictionary.com, 2011). Etiquette can be communication, body language, gender, customs, and what you wear. Business etiquette is how to behavior at in the business setting. International business is how to behavior in a business setting within another country. There are no set standards of how to behavior whether that is internationally or domestically. It is based on ones believes, training, values, and morals. That is why it is very important to research the area you are going to do business in. There are millions of books and websites that can help you in finding the information that you need in order to conduct your business in another country.
"International business can be tricky; if you aren't prepared, your business deal can go down in flames" (Zupek, 2007). When doing business with another country it is important to learn as much as you can about their culture. We cannot just assume that how we conduct our business in our country is the same way they will conduct business in another country. As stated earlier in this paper our communication, body language, gender, customs, and what we wear can all affect our international etiquette. We will know go into further detail on how to conduct yourself in the international business world.
Let's first take a look at communication in relation to etiquette. Communicating with international business associates we need to understand that how we talk to each other day to day is not how we can talk to them. When communicating we need to "speak slowly" (Sabath, 2009, p.124). "Your international colleagues not only have to absorb what you're saying, they also have to become used to how you sound" (Sabath, 2009, p.124). Our accents can make a difference when someone is trying to understand us. The speed at which we talk can also affect the communication with an international colleague. If we talk fast they may not be able to understand us. Another thing with communication is making jokes. Where we may be able to make jokes during a conversation here it may not be acceptable to do that in another country. The main thing to remember with communication is that we need to say simple.
Body language is the next thing that may affect the way you do business. May gestures that we use domestically are seen as offensive in another country. For instance a handshake can be been done differently depending on the culture. "The Japanese give a light handshake. Germans offer a firm shakes with one pump, and the French grip is light with a quick pump. Middle Eastern people will continue shaking your hand throughout the greeting. Don't be surprised if you are occasionally met with a kiss, a hug, or a bow somewhere along the way" (Ramsey, 2011). As you can see our handshake is very different then the handshakes of other cultures. They can be firm or light and may accrue several times during the meeting. Another body language would be how we stand and how we sit that could affect your business client. The smile is the universal body language.
The next thing we find in international etiquette is gender. As a company it is very important to research the country in which you are trying to be business with in order to find out what the role of gender has to do in the business world. Most countries do not have a problem with doing business with woman but there are rules that need to be followed for women. "For example, in the Arab world, shaking hands is mandatory in a business setting; but touching women in traditional, western dress is forbidden. In India, men and women shouldn't make physical contact in public other than handshaking. In Japan, older generations may not be comfortable shaking hands with Westerners and it's important that you don't get too close to them. In Argentina, women should initiate handshakes with men" (Zupek, 2007). The last thing a business would want to do is upset a business client and not follow the respect that some countries have for women.
The biggest part of international business is the customs and culture. Customs and culture play an important role in international business. We look at their belief, values, and attitudes. Every country has different customs and cultures in which you must follow in order to conduct business proper without offending anyone. If we do not follow their customs and cultures then we can cause severe damage to the business relationship. In order to