Bus 100 021 - Learning Styles: Discovering How You Learn
Essay by peterxie • November 2, 2015 • Coursework • 9,057 Words (37 Pages) • 1,405 Views
Name: Peter Xie Feng
Course: BUS 100 021
Student Number: 500709439
Date: September 15th, 2015
Chapter 1 - Learning Styles: Discovering how you learn (pp.40-42)
The article talks about the importance of understanding the process of learning to use it to your advantage. One lesson that resonates with my style of learning is abstract conceptualization (thinking). I absorb information best by separating the idea from the subject matter (thinking outside the box), thus I like to examine and analyze situations. Another lesson that resonates with me is active experimentation (doing). I learned that I prefer to jump start on new tasks and start doing it as soon as possible, since I don’t like to waste time. Through this insight, I noticed that I don’t mind taking risks because when I have a first hand experience on the subject matter, I learn best this way.
These are the two specific personal action-oriented goals that I intend to accomplish, one of which is to push my self more into abstract conceptualization so that I can excel in this. My second goal that I intend to accomplish is to build a stronger base in risk-taking. In order to do this, I’ll take even more risks such as stepping out of my comfort zone to join certain clubs and apply for new jobs. With these two goals, I can improve my skill set and improve as a person.
Name: Peter Xie Feng
Course: BUS 100 021
Student Number: 500709439
Date: September 15th, 2015
Chapter 1 - Claim your Multiple Intelligences (pp.48-50)
This article talks about the different types of intelligence that people have, such as verbal/linguistic intelligence, mathematical /logical intelligence, and etc. A lesson that stood out to me is that everyone has multiple intelligences, but some of us use a certain intelligence more than others. We can all learn to experiment in different ways that effect a variety of intelligences and to enhance our intelligences. As for me, I mostly use intrapersonal intelligence because I find myself undoubtedly aware of my personal space, feelings, and values. I enjoy being alone and working on projects all by myself than working in group projects.
These are the two specific personal action-oriented goals that I intend to accomplish, one of which is to experiment with different learning methods so that I can enhance a variety of my intelligences. I will use visual methods (drawing diagrams and mind maps), practise logical thinking (mathematical questions), and push interpersonal limits (lead group projects). My second goal that I intend to accomplish is exceling in interpersonal intelligence because I lack sensitivity and emotion towards other people. Since I intend to be an entrepreneur, I need be aware of other people’s personal space, feelings, and values.
Name: Peter Xie Feng
Course: BUS 100 021
Student Number: 500709439
Date: September 15th, 2015
Chapter 1 - What’s stopping you from getting started on your schoolwork? (pp.56)
The article talks about how to prevent procrastination and the reasons why people procrastinate. One thing that absolutely relates to my study habits is procrastination due to fear of failure. I am scared of test outcomes therefore, I push my assignments further back to the due date. Another thing that stood out to me was that research suggest procrastination causes lower grades, impacts mental health, and makes you feel negative in general. I feel that due to my procrastination habits, I’ve come across all of these problems in school.
These are the two specific personal action-oriented goals that I intend to accomplish, one of which is to use my time wisely and to prevent procrastination because it causes many issues such as mental health, bad grades, and higher rates of course withdrawal. In order to obtain these goals, I must try my absolute best to manage my time. Another goal that I intend to accomplish is to find a classmate to keep me accountable for staying on top of my tasks. I will show my classmate my study schedule and my assignment due dates and my classmate would do the same, thus we can help each other to prevent procrastination.
Name: Peter Xie Feng
Course: BUS 100 021
Student Number: 500709439
Date: September 29th, 2015
Chapter 2 - The ABC daily to-do list (pp.77-78)
Through this article, I learned that keeping a daily to-do list is truly effective. I learned that a to-do list serves as a stress reliever because I don’t have to think too hard about what I’m going to do next and I don’t have to worry about forgetting any tasks. Another thing that resonated to me is that there are 5 steps to the ABC daily to-do list. The first step is to brainstorm tasks by listing all the things I have to accomplish that day. Second, I have to estimate the time required to complete each task. The third is to rate each task by priority in terms of what’s most important to least important. Fourth is to cross off finished tasks. Lastly, the final, is to evaluate my performance.