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Brown Case

Essay by   •  June 6, 2012  •  Essay  •  250 Words (1 Pages)  •  1,543 Views

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In conclusion, we ended up with variety of assessments about ourselves, and the assessments divided into two parts. First, self-rating, the rating of own self from independent perspective and clear analysis, this differed from member to member in the group. Acceptance, in this Mohamed Amin got more than 5 poor, more than 10 averages, more than 11 goods, and more than 8 very good roughly. Moreover, Hisham's self-rating differed from Mohamed Amin, and it was getting more than 8 poor and very poor, more than 11 averages, and more than 14 goods and very good. Furthermore, the self-rating took places in Mohamed Mustafa, he got 4 poor, more than 15 averages, and more than 10 good and very good. Ultimately, Ibrahim, he got 6 poor, more than 16 averages, more than 17 goods and very goods. In addition to self-rating, others rating played a role in our assessment sheet, and it guided us to accentuate the weakness of each individual in the group. First, Mohamed Mustafa got more than 3 poor, more than 18 averages, and more than 20 goods and very good. Additionally, Hisham got more than 4 poor, more than 19 averages, and more than 23 goods and very good. Also, Ibrahim got more than 6 poor, more than 13 averages, and more than 10 goods and very good. Moreover, Mohamed Amin got more than 7 poor, more than 14 averages, and more than 13 goods and very good. Overall, the self-rating was emphasizing one's weakness and strength



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