Brain Development
Essay by Kill009 • September 30, 2011 • Essay • 1,009 Words (5 Pages) • 2,094 Views
Brain Development
In sub-Saharan Africa there is a gap in development, between the world's richest and poorest countries, the life expectancy in the region is lower today than 30 years ago, this is due ravages of HIV/AIDS. Sub- Saharan Africa falls at the bottom of the list when compared to 31 countries which 28 are in sub-Saharan Africa (Hirschowitz, 1995). According to Hirschowitz (1995).In South Africa there is a population of over 47 million people of diverse origins, languages, cultures. When compared to Sub-Africa the major Concerns in South Africa are relatively no different from Sub-Africa. Fertility and mortality, along with expansion of basic health programs, and HIV/AIDS pandemic, are a growing concern in both countries. African populations are aging, at a slower rate than in much of the developing world. Gerontology is still a major concern for its infancy throughout Africa. According Hirschowitz (1995). Southern Africa region has the continent's highest percentage of older inhabitants; 6.2 percent of population was estimated to be 60 years of age or older, slightly different from Sub-Africa. The factors of Sub-Saharan such as poor access to health care, low living standards, civil unrest, and HIV/AIDS pandemic, contrubrute to the life expectancy at birth in Sub-Saharan. In South Africa the same factors apply to the lifespan such as little or no health care, poor access, low living standards along with HIV/AIDS. The brain development in both Sub-Africa and South-Africa include several neurological disorders that are increasing at birth .Malnutrition, adverse perinatal conditions, malaria, the human immunodeficiency virus and the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) and other causes of encephalitis and meningitis(Hirschowitz,1995).
Children born into Sub-Africa and South Africa are likely to have poor development of the brain. Children are subjected to the following factors that will disrupt early child development such as, malnutrition which is chronic and severe enough to cause growth stunting, iodine deficiency, inadequate stimulation or learning opportunities iodine deficiency, iron deficiency anemia (Hirschowitz, 1995). According to Belsky (2010). The cortex is responsible for thinking and reasoing, perceiving along with conscious responses. In both Sub-Africa and South -Africa the expanding brain of a mother has had lack of malnutrition which is chronic for a pregnant woman and her newborn due to growth stunting. A pregnant woman who has lack of iodine, inadequate stimulation or iron deficiency anemia, has a higher risk of her newborn coming into the world with under developed cerebral cortex. The synaptogenesis and myelination of the brain for those of Sub-Africa and South Africa may not fully develop leading to problems in the first year in life, well into adulthood. According to Hirschowitz (1995). After birth is