Bethoveen Case
Essay by michelito • November 5, 2012 • Essay • 680 Words (3 Pages) • 1,359 Views
Throughout the years people have been writing and playing music. Although music is used for many different settings it is usually meant to inspire something within their listeners. I like music that feels like it is supposed to inspire action, or a feeling of excitement. I chose Beethoven because I found that although many of his compositions are soft and slow moving, many of his compositions also feel very climatic. I also like Beethoven because his original scores have been used by modern day orchestras and replayed to be more technical in order to appeal to people who usually do not like or listen to traditional classical music.
Beethoven is one my favorite composers that I've listened in class because some of his compositions are energizing. Ever since I started listening to Beethoven's music, it has helped me to get in a better mood when I'm planning on doing something; Specially this past few weeks when I go to school and have big test, or when I have to go to work. I've been very nervous lately during test days because the pressure of passing makes it harder for me to concentrate; so in order for me calm down and relax, I listen to Beethoven and sometimes Mozart. Before or after work, I've listening to Beethoven to help me relax also or get pumped up and ready. I'm always carrying a few of his music in my ipod like the Symphony No 5, Symphony No 40, Symphony No 9 Moonlight Sonata, and other favorites. This past weeks have been very stressful for me because of school and work. I've been listening to Beethoven's music a lot lately because it's a great way to keep me in a good mood.
My job is very stressful so I've been having trouble finding ways to lower my stress after work. Ever since I started listening to Beethoven's music, it has been easier for me to lower that stress I carry all the time. One of the songs that I listened in class, Moonlight Sonata from Beethoven, has become one of my favorites because that's the song I listen when I need to calm down. Moonlight Sonata's slow calm sounds are a great way to help me be in a better mood. Last week it was a very stressful week for me because I had a lot of school work, soccer games, and I worked every day. Symphony No 5 and Symphony No 40 were the ones I listened the most.. I also listened to Beethoven's Ode To Joy because it makes me think of funny and random things so that puts me in a very good mood.
Listening to Beethoven's music helps me relax and lowers my stress, but also puts me in a good mood to do things better. Every time before I go to work, I always listen to Beethoven's compositions when I eat. I've been doing this lately because I realized that listening to this music gives me the feeling of excitement and also makes me feel very climatic. Some of my friends don't like the idea that I listen to this music but