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Benito Mussolini Case

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Benito Mussolini was born on December 29, 1883 and died on April 28, 1945. Alessandro Mussolini was his father and he was a blacksmith. Benito says his father was his role model because he taught him everything he knew about politics. His mother was Rosa Mussolini. Alessandro and Rosa had three children, one girl and two boys. Benito's siblings were Arnadlo and Edvige Mussolini. Benito had two wives, Ida Dalser and Rachele Guidi. Rachele and he had five children, two daughters and three sons. The sons' names were Vittorio, Bruno, and Roman Mussolini. The daughters were very unique women because they were into politics like their father. Their names were Edaa and Anna Maria Mussolini. Benito's education was very poor because he got into two fights as a child. He was expelled from one school because of this. He did not even graduate from high school, but he attended a boarding school and graduated as a very good student there. Benito Mussolini health was always an issue. He had high blood pressure throughout his young adult and adult life. He was injured in battle fighting for Italy during World War One. He took a very vicious blow to his knee which kept him from making a difference in politics for about a year. His life as a father was not very positive for his children. The main reason is because he was not home half the time and he did not spend much time bonding with his children. So, his children and he became very distant from one another. Even before he went to war, he was put in jail many times because he started many pointless fights. Benito Mussolini is a role model to leaders who are looking to start a brand new system or idea of government. He is also a role model to leaders that want to bring a country to its highest point. He was a horrible role model as a father because most fathers would rather spend time with his children, then work. Mussolini was a great leader for Italy in the beginning, but it all collapsed upon him at the end of his political career (Mussolini).

Benito Mussolini had a very rough childhood. He would get sent to the principal's office many times because he got in many fights with his classmates. This showed he stood up for his own beliefs. Benito passed grammar school with ease despite getting expelled out of one school because of fighting. Surprisingly, Benito dropped out of high school at the age of fifteen. Benito also went to Fanza Boarding School and was kicked out for stabbing another student in 1901.

Benito was a soldier for Italy during World War I. He helped Italy very much , despite getting injured during the war. After, he had recovered from his horrible injury. Benito decided to start a newspaper company and became an editor of the Advanti. After, Benito became the leader of Italy, he signed the Lateran Treaty. The Lateran treaty was an agreement between Italy's government and the Vatican. Shortly thereafter World War II began and it was going well for Italy. The Ethiopian Invasion was a success. The Greek Invasion was not a good thing or bad thing for Italy, but it did hurt their ally Germany.

When he was in his forties, Benito was fired as leader of Italy because he was turning the country into total destruction. It was his own people who killed him by hanging him from a statue. Then he was shot to make sure he was dead and when they were sure he was dead his people came up to his dead body and spat on him. Benito made many treaties during World War II, the most important one was with Adolf Hitler. Hitler made Mussolini look like a fool by betraying him and attacking his army. Benito Mussolini had everything any leader could ask for, but he did not handle it well at the end of his career.

Benito Mussolini had a rough time making friends throughout his childhood. He was known as the man of violence who started and picked many fights with his classmates. As he got older, he learned how to put his fighting days behind him.

When he was granted a spot in Italy's army, he made many lasting friendships with the other soldiers. Mussolini even made close connections with some of these soldiers because you always need a person that will have your back on the battlefield. With these fellow soldiers a brotherhood was formed. He did this so one of these close brothers could possibly save his life if needed. After getting badly injured in the war, he decided to get into politics. He decided to join the Fascist Party where he met new friends that shared his same beliefs and interests.

When Benito Mussolini became leader of Italy, he led his army into World War



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