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Being Able to Communicate

Essay by   •  April 23, 2013  •  Essay  •  487 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,531 Views

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The needed of being able to communicate in a foreign language while studying abroad is one of the most relevant factors which leads us to success. From my experience as an international student in the Teesside University, with all the difficulties I have been overcome, I can confirm the exposed above. Therefore in this essay I will focus three different communication skills related to each other, the speaking, the writing and finally giving a presentation.

Firstly, the speaking is the ability to communicate directly with other people. Since my level of English is not fluent, I have had some difficulty to talk clearly and this situation made me feel less confident with myself. However, the understanding by others has given me the opportunity to improve my level of language, which has been corrected when my speaking was not correct. In future situations I will be confident enough without fear of mistake because this is the way to learn and improve my speaking skills.

Secondly, the writing is one of the most common ways to communicate at university. During the course it is necessary to write essays and reports to be evaluated. I know that it is very important the correct use of the grammar and spelling as well as the good structure of the text at university because it will reflect how well you can express our ideas or knowledge. My first impression about this made me feel afraid because maybe I could not express all that I wanted but, taking part in the English for learning module has helped me to obtain the capacity of writing any type of text applying the correct rules to make a good work. In future essays or reports that I have to submit for my degree I will be able to do it with the minimum number of mistakes.

Finally, the last communication skill on which I will focus is giving a presentation. To be able to acquire this skill must be necessary have the other two skills, due this one is a mixture of the speaking and writing. Making my first presentation at Teesside University in the English for learning module I felt a little nervous and I was worried because I did not want this to affect the results but, having studied the content and following the advices given in class, my presentation went quite good. This helped me to realize which field I should improve when giving a presentation for my future presentations during the course.

In conclusion, is obvious the necessity to achieve some skills in order to carry out the different tasks during the year. As exposed before, most of the skills that a student should have are connected to each other so that they can be useful not only in a single task. It is very important to recognize when we are wrong and try to apply all the knowledge acquired to improve all these things we need.



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