Balls and Monkeys
Essay by rocky7 • January 28, 2013 • Essay • 1,842 Words (8 Pages) • 1,809 Views
CSG Revenge
The sun shined bright and the birds sang in the trees. It was such a beautiful day. Bernard, Sharon, and Clint sat at a lunch table outside behind the building for CSG tree services eating their lunch they each bought in the cafeteria. A man walked over to the table and sat down with the three associates.
Bernard was the first to speak, "Hey boss, mighty fine weather it is out here isn't it." He had a big grin on his face as if he had some devious plan on his mind.
The man turned to Bernard and responded,"Shut up Bernie, I told you not to call me that. Just because I'm the CEO does not mean that you have to call me boss. Just call me Charlie like you did back in high school." Bernard smiled and patted Charlie on the back as the others laughed at Charlie's comment. The three friends sat at the table for an hour and a half and talked about life and how work conditions were. They laughed and even laughed to the point of tears. Then they had serious moments about how financial issues were.
"Alright guys, breaks over you've spent enough time out here. It was nice having this time with you guys," said Charlie with his "I'm serious" voice and face. The three hugged and said their goodbyes as they all parted.
Chapter 1 Pt. 1
Bernard was a lawyer for the company and returned to his office the next day and started to work on some paper work that was needed by the end of the day for his boss. There came a knock at the door and Bernard looked up at the door with a confused expression on his face. He wasn't expecting anyone until later on that night. The door slowly opened and there stood his boss.
"Hey Charlie, what brings you to my nice little office?" Charlie stood there at the door and had a large grin on his face. Charlie walked over to the desk without one word and sat down in the chair. "Is there something wrong, sir? Is there another law suit you needed to have dealt with?" Charlie still said nothing at all and proceeded to reach for his suit case. He took out a pile of papers and placed them in front of Bernard. Bernard was confused but decided to look through all of the papers. He noticed one thing that was circled in red pen. It was the amount of money that was won after a law suit that had just ended two days ago. Now Bernard was confused and asked, "What's wrong with the amount of money you received?"
Charlie finally said, "It's lower than I wanted and expected. I wanted twenty-five thousand dollars and the amount that is on that paper says on only got fifteen thousand dollars. What's with that? If I set an amount of money that I want then I should at least get more than ten thousand dollars less of what I demanded. This is unacceptable Bernard. This is why I've decided to fire you and replace you with someone that will give me what I demand." Bernard was truly shocked and could not believe what he was hearing he was stunned and just sat this staring into space. Charlie smiled and packed up his papers and left the room. "You have until noon to pack your things and leave," he said as he closed the door leaving Bernard still in his chair in the dark.
Chapter 1 Pt. 2
Clint was in the building's kitchen preparing to make that night's dinner. All of the other cooks were on break so Clint was by himself. It was sort of spooky to him since it was so quiet and nobody was around. He was getting used to it since his lunch time was much more different than all of the other's. A door opened in the kitchen and so Clint shouted, "Hello? Tom? Jeff? Is that you?" You could sense that he was worried by the shiver in his voice. He continued to prepare by cleaning some pans and chopping up ingredients. The sound of footsteps reached the ears of Clint. "Hello is anyone there," this time he shouted the question. The footsteps got louder as they got closer. Clint turned and grabbed a knife from the table and prepared himself for an intruder. Charlie popped his head around the corner with that devious smile he always wore. "Jeez boss I nearly threw this knife here at you. It would of killed you," Charlie laughed and Clint proceeded to place the knife back on the table.
"Now that would be a mess now wouldn't it? Ha, could you imagine the head line? Executive chef and old friend kills CEO of CSG Trees Services, the world's largest commercial tree company there is." Clint laughed at Charlie's strange humor, but Clint was used to it he'd heard it all throughout high school. "So what's my greatest chef up tonight? He cookin' up another failure of a meal?" Clint's expression changed from a huge smile to a surprised look. Charlie was still smiling, "Yea the meals this month have been terrible. I know you my friend and all but it's gotten too much sympathy pal. The meals have been giving me constant diarrhea for the past month and it sucks."
Clint was near to tears at this comment, "Bu-bu-but Charlie you know