Audience Case
Essay by ailish9119 • November 16, 2013 • Essay • 744 Words (3 Pages) • 1,231 Views
Communications release experts have a job more difficult than one expects. Because communications keeps the audience in mind, importance is heavy that every aspect of the release be perfect to prevent miscommunications from arising. For the 33 miners trapped under the epic San Jose mine collapse, their method of communicating relied upon by those releasing updates for a total of 69 days underground. Of those affected, families and other employees, it was their responsibility to gather information presented by the company, rescuers, and media to piece together perspiring events. Points for consideration include the different roles of the people in the audience, potential needs of those receiving the message, and actions to take before and after the message's delivery.
When someone creates a release of information, it is important to consider the various roles of the audience members receiving the message. Different roles equate to different relationships made with the incident that consequently result in different emotional responses to the message. Though one person in the audience feels satisfied with the message presented, another may feel they do not know the facts or are unsure of the outcome. Showing understanding within the release allows audience members to connect with the sender. In addition, the message sent must contain information pertinent to each audience member and provide correlation of importance.
In order for information presented to contain relevance to audience members, assessment of potential needs is important. Family members of the trapped miners first concern is the safety of their kin. It is important when relaying information of the collapse not to speak with only facts but also cater to the emotional needs of those involved. Families will require the knowledge that every step taken have the best interest of miners. This shows both caring and understanding on the company and rescuers part. In addition, a family member listening to the release will be expecting a certain level of understanding. Approaching the topic distantly and untouched is not the best idea. However, leading with strong words and a compassionate tone of voice will help the families to understand the hard work put forth to help. On the other hand, there is also the importance to consider the potential needs for fellow employees also listening to the release. Even as employees' concern over the fellow coworkers' safety other needs are to be met within the message. Employee consideration and company consideration is important. This is because it could have been any miner trapped underground, let alone 33. The other workers require reassurance of the current situation and acknowledgement that it will not be a recurring scenario.
Finally, it is vital to take action both before and after the delivery of any information to ensure the proper relay and receipt of the intended message. This requires proper organization