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Athletes Privacy

Essay by   •  April 16, 2016  •  Essay  •  674 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,218 Views

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“Athletes should have the same rights as everyone.” Through the years, athletes have been suffering by an uncomfortable issue named Drug tests; drug test are harmful because those break the rights of athletes such as privacy. Therefore, while I was reading the article “Athletes Have the Same Rights As All Other Citizens” by Jacob, W, I felt identified with this article because I think that athletes are human beings as the rest of people. However, at the same time, I agree with other article named “ Athletes Should Be Tested For Drugs.” by Lee, Deborah, because nowadays there are different kinds of medicine (Drugs), which might improve the performance or skills of any athletes in different types of sport. Therefore, I believe that the drug test should exist for the developing of any sport; however, certain things have to be applied to assure the commodity of everyone. For instance, finding the way to make this test comfortable for athletes, punishing those athletes who diagnostic positive in this test, and prohibiting the sells of medicines (drugs) that improve the performance of athletes.

As I said before, through the years, companies have been working on finding a better way to make this test comfortable for athletes because they have the same rights than everyone. However, they noticed and founded that the only possible way that this test can work to keep improving sports is choosing randomly athletes in a determinate time. I think everyone should agree with this statement because nowadays the medicine have been developing so quick and also day by day, Scientifics discover new drugs or medicine that make people’s life easier. However, athletes have to get done those tests several times, which represent a notable incommodity for athletes. Thus, I think that companies and Scientifics have to work together to find an easier way to test athletes in order to create a healthy environment in any sport and provide comfort for those athletes being tested.

On the other hand, through the years, federations of different kinds of sport have found a numerous percentage of athletes guilty for taking drugs; it means that those athletes have been using illegal substances to improve their performances. In my opinion, I believe that federations have to take serious punishment to athletes who break the rules. For example, according with “Athletes Have the same Rights as all Other Citizen” mentioned that Barry Bonds, the San Francisco Giant home run king has been investigated by the use of muscle-building steroids. He was found guilty; however, nothing could be done to punish Bond. Athletes found guilty for taking illegal substances to improve their performance might be punished in several ways. For example, suspending those athletes from any activity related to the sport, charging those athletes with a high sum of money, and even sentencing those athletes to prison.

Finally, another important



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