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Assited Reproduction

Essay by   •  September 18, 2011  •  Essay  •  961 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,461 Views

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Assisted Reproduction

One in six couples worldwide experience some form of fertility problem, leading to problems getting pregnant. So when a husband and wife decide to have a baby but they can't make one because of their reproductive organs can't produce the vital cells they turn to assisted reproduction. I believe that assisted reproduction is a safe and helpful procedure that allows couples to have a second chance to a have a newborn. Assisted reproduction technology (ART for short) just started a couple years ago and some people are arguing over if (ART) should be allowed to help individuals for letting them have a baby. The babies are created naturally but they are grown differently and also it allows the couples decide the gender of the newborn not nature. (ART) in this case is allowing the wife decide how many babies she wants and also choosing the gender. Since one of the parents can't "naturally" make a newborn he/she have to use sperm and egg which they mix it together so this results in a zygote or fertilized egg this happens in a lab where it is frozen.

A technique used in assisted reproduction is called in vitro fertilization. This is when a women's egg and a man's sperm is mixed together in a Petri dish in a laboratory. Then they let the egg get fertilized by the sperm then this result in a zygote. After this has happened the zygote is put back into the women's uterus (womb) to develop naturally and become a regular baby. This process allows the couple to have a chance to have a child that is biologically related to them. Another method for assisted reproduction is Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) for short. This is when sperm injected directly into the egg to achieve fertilization babies who are born this way are the same as normal babies they have the same chance a natural baby has to have birth defects. So what's the big deal? It has no lethal threat it is the same as having a baby naturally.

People believe that (ART) is just playing god because of the technology allows you to choose the gender of your child. They think it is playing god and also may be called an "unnatural" selection of gender. This is a good point to consider this may hold against religious beliefs and ethical beliefs the person who is in this position might think about it twice. If you really want to carry on your family tree you may want to think about assisted reproduction because this may be the only way to carry on your family since you can't naturally reproduce you have to do in vitro fertilization or other methods. Some people might think it is a sin but, would you rather die without carrying on the next generation so they can carry the family's name or not carry on the name? Assisted reproduction is just an alternative for couples who want to have a baby but can't naturally make one have a chance. So if you don't like this idea you simply don't have to try



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