Art Studio 2 Notes
Essay by locomocooo • April 23, 2018 • Course Note • 6,568 Words (27 Pages) • 1,043 Views
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Art Stud 2 Notes - Yambao
August 12, 2015
- "What strikes me is the fact that in our society, art has become something which is only related to objects, and not to individuals, or to life." Michel Foucault
- Don’t reproduce the everyday in everyday
- Time structures your everyday
- No originality in everyday
- Busy – you look at yourself as a machine
- Iskolar ng bayan – expected to be contemplative
- What is familiar is not necessarily known
- When you repeat something to much → naturalized → loses meaning
- Everyday – temporal and spatial; makes you automatized, you become predictable → easily controlled
- Namamayaning kaayusan – dominant force/dominant social order; who controls us?
- No notion of public good outside religion
- We ignore some of the things that aren’t part of our everyday
- Only let the people appreciate things out of the ordinary
- Trying to appreciate the work of art because of the name or quality?
- Beauty product commercials are played around 2-5pm for yayas, moms, housewives → they feel insecure and buy it
- Touch → affection → gadgets
- Touch is relational → our first identity is anchored on the notion of the other
- Touch is more personal → talks about the besideness
- PLDT Camera commercial – long distance loss of communication → idea of online and offline self
- The power of touch
- Free hugs movement
- Hugging someone and touching someone can be policed and reprimanded by someone
- What does it say about our society?
- Rules out the affect of paranoia
- Patron clientil – paranoid DSO (“only we can make you happy”)
- They say it’s a “bother” and they want to maintain peace and order
- Power of the hug: feel and recognize your existence
- Shared aspiration of the “collective”
- Makes social change possible
- Makes the DSO paranoid because they are more powerful together
- DSO wants us to be predictable
- Stretch the possibilities in everyday
- Popculture
- Institutionalized vs uninstitutionalized
- Specialized
- Disciplines
- Programatized → heightened desires to have smthg
- Ex programatized: tulay:: unprogramatized: jaywalking
- Dominant social order (DSO) – looks for unprogramatized → makes it programatized → uses it to make money
- To experience every day, reclaim the uninstitutionalized
- Rich does not dominate but the consequence of being rich
- Fuelled by greed, so you take advantage of things to the extent of another’s dispossession of things
- Capitalism logic is expansive (now not before)
- If you are not greedy, richness can be distributed
- If you want to expand make sure that people are willing to give up their resources → how?
- Make them docile bodies but healthy ones
- Docile – easy though, led, or managed
- Middle class fantasy – house, lot, car, good job
- Resist docility as problematized by the state
- Those who are docile no longer question things, you don’t look outside the DSO
- Those who are docile don’t think of an alternative future
- 911 attack → after is an increase in zombie films
- Metaphor of zombies
- Docile bodies → not thinking, half active, walking dead, contagious
- We watch these movies but we dismiss their existence
- Fire and youth idealism is going away
- New class category: precarious / precariate
- Your life is determined by someone’s own will
- Europe: no longer protected by the state
- Cemetery – invisible space, the people who live there become invisible
- Structured entertainment – so we don’t see the real problem
- Critical thinking – some people aren’t privileged to have
- Before: religions were the ones the put up universities
- State: make state pay for tuition of students
- Protect youth from corruption of the church
- Protect youth from corruption of the politicians
- Military, authorities, etc not allowed inside
- Protect youth from corruption of capitalism
- Youth is the project of the modern period
- If they are too specialized, they can be a product of capitalism
- State government conspires with economic capitalism
- Tuition fee hike means capitalism has infiltrated
- Banality of evil: complicity
- Butterfly effect: domino effect, all our decisions are connected
Auguts 26, 2015
- Technology of complicity
- Cellphones
- 2012 – socialism is the most searched word; people have an idea of welfare society
- 2013 – selfie
- FB – disenabling capacity
- Tax – inherently oppressive
- Civil tax – naturalized
- Global householding – OFWs and balikbayan box
- Affect with OFW parent because they gibe the material things via balikbayan box
- Nature of desire – desire means “lack of”
- Anything you can acquire is bound to obsolescence
- No point if you have all your desires already
- We want more and more (cookie monster personality) to the extent it becomes wastage
- Affect
- more than state of feeling, neurophysiological
- relationship between you and the external environment or “other”
- guilt/conscience – society; shame becomes affect so you cut off communication with external forces
- preindividual; unconsciously do things
- consciousness is in language → limits, no gradation
- Melancholic – capture presence of person/physicality of someone gone and is projecting into objects
- Knowledge is power
- Sense of sight is most powerful
- Sense of taste is most personal
- Malls regulate what we do, hear, feel, see
- Universal literacy
- Understood by everyone
- Easily understandable
- Captures the largest network possible
August 28, 2015
- Sensibilities
- Idea of world views
- Local moral world views
- Becomes your guide, disciplines the way you see things
- Fear when you can’t explain a specific phenomena
- “Tracking down rumours of mermaids in the lab”
- They blamed the mermaids instead of the Local Gov’t Units
- Nature of Dumaguete – university town; core is objective logical knowledge
- The university did not affect the people despite how long they’ve been there
- The logic of practice
- Mermaids guide you not to abuse the env’t
- How to justify justice in a world where we can’t seek justice from the modern system → they make their own justice system
- Body
- Space; container; has parts
- Sight of culture; skin chromatism
- Different interpretations of who we are
- Caucasian, mongoloids, negroids
- Size tells people about yourself, what you eat and put inside your body
- Soap – make people feel inferior
- Soap opera – represent domestic chores; used as the idea of gender → women do housework
- Agricultural communities
- Required that girls are “bulas” aka big and strong
- They are targeted for weight loss
- Commercial use envy
- Cordillera
- Boys have to protect the territory
- Girls in turn produce plant/ harvest
- Maybuyan
- Many breasts
- Takes care of children in the after life
- Goddess in the underworld
- The body has its limits → recognized → push limits → invent prosthetics → half human half machine
- Our own identities are now being modified
- Body is the best technology of the weak
- Utilized to subvert power (man against machine)
- Becomes suicidal
- Burning of oneself as protest
- You need warm bodies to produce change → proven in history
- Billboards
- Promises a utopia
- When people commit suicide in billboards, they show that there is no utopia
- Oicos
- Center of life
- Home, bumubuhay sa social life
- Economy
- Ecology
- Because of capitalism → took the oicos
- Physical energy becomes an excess
- Partitioned physicality and muscular dev’t
- Wellness capitalism
- Why capture excess energy?
- Middle class have class envy from workers
- Energy is revolutionary, politically potential
- Have time and energy to think
- DSO – don’t want excess energy to be a possible political change → rally
- Change happens because of energy
- Why do gov’ts allow fun run?
- Not a threat where as rallies are a threat; same energy
- Carpal tunnel – sickness of sameness
- Ideal
- 8 work
- 8 rest
- We become the somnambulist generation (sleep walkers)
- 24/7 live feed via fb, phones, etc
- 8 realization of our potential
- Capitalism takes this via popculture and wellness capitalism
September 2, 2015
- Time – temporality
- Space – stage
- Body – actor
- Situation – script
- Performance – doing in a specific time and place
- Acculturation – becomes your second nature; who you are
- You enter society where there is language
- Language
- Your script
- Consciousness to communicate
- You don’t exist alone
- What we perform now is our second nature
- We audition everyday – when you make new friends
- Audited – we allow ourselves to be modified
- We rehearse – advantage card, promos that repeat
- Identity should be related to performance
- What we do is who we are
- Personality/performance shift
- Making do – resist script expected of us
- Kairos – the now, the right moment, perfect time or moment
- Time – not linear, multitemporality
- Dromos → dromology
- Study of speeding things up, acceleration of time
- Shrinking of time
- Propelled by technology
- Increase in speed, increase in technology, increase in productivity
September 3, 2015
- We interrelate now and the future
- Philippine’s future is already made
- We seal something that refuses time itself – we see only one future
- We fail to see other futures
- The future is supposed to be ours but we cant seem to reclaim it
- Financial district – governing our society now
- Distinguish between FW and economic FW
- Alternative future
- Cuba
- Educational system
- Health services
- Low death rate and disasters
- Low HIV cases
- Thriving
- Bhutan
- GDP and GNP index of happiness
- Only remaining kingdom
- To be FW
- Capitalist country
- Neo-colonial, open yourself (even if weak)
- Consequence
- You become vulnerable
- We depend too much on the states but the states isn’t stable, changes from Republic to Dominican
- Human rights violation
- OFWs abroad sent
- Extraction of resources but its now gone so cheap labor → OFWs
- The problem is were not voting statesmen and women, instead we vote for entrepreneurs, old rich → we r weak
- America
- Democratic – liberal
- Republican – conservative
- K12 – cheap labor mode, people can work early
- Young adult dystopian movies and books
- Revolt against the state and not against the source of exploitation and dehumanization that is capitalism
- Problem with capitalism is that it is invisible and insidious
- Children have the role of unsealing the future
- The state is US, it is the democracy were supposed to protect
- Ecology
- Root word: OICOS – household
- Family – servitude, familiarity
- Ecology
- Relationship between living things and environment
- Companies make an ecology: iphone, ipad, mac → all linked
- We are anthropocentric
- We only take care of nature because man will benefit from it
- Example of ants vs termites
- Ants are important for land quality
- Divisoria – most important and expensive land, where money circulates
- Should take away the anthropocentrism
- We blame indigenous people for kaingin ++ but its our fault because we did not coexist with them
- No more connection w nature in the urban areas
- AUTOPOESIS – self making
- Based on instinct
- Only do what you want and need
- Oicos is divided
- Used to be more powerful
- Becomes private sphere/domestic sphere
September 9, 2015
- Globalization
- Deals with dependency and interdependence
- 1st, think to ask: who owns the globe?
- Homi K Bhabha: The Globe shrinks for those who own it; for the displaced or the dispossessed, the migrant or refugee, no distance is more awesome than the few feet across borders or frontiers.
- America
- Central colonial history → pop culture is their only culture
- Philippines was a stop station because of the wide variety of flora and fauna
- We were considered gas station when they really wanted china
- Capitalists – all they want to do and expand
- 1st to declare nationhood: France
- 1st to expand and adapt capitalism: England
- Delayed modernism; no industrialization: Spain
- You can’t close nation to all countries
- We sell labor because we no longer have natural resources
- Singapore sees the Philippines as ethno linguistic (based on region)
- Broken English – language of trade
- Cosmopolitanism
- When you share what you think is global
- Watching movies, music, what you share
- Boys: abs, H&M, Uniqlo
- More NGOs = bad state
- Technology
- Anything that extends our capacity as human beings
- Deprivation of technology → we are not yet modern
- Technology replaces manpower
- No black box end users/consumers
- Our country’s best and brightest leave
September 11, 2015
- Online world hit first if there is conflict
- You disable your opponents psychologically and technologically
- Virality – acquiring disease
- Depends on the configuration
- No 1 meaning to the image that we see
- Spatiotemporal world view of a person is different from another: commute vs drive
- Cydoughplasm – dough is shapeable
- Cybernity
- Democracy manifested somehow in cyberspace
- Shift of monopoly
- Mundane (non-news) becomes news
- Patents – product of capitalism
- Genetic piracy – we can’t use our own flora and fauna for medicine because Filipinos don’t develop their own blackbox
- Agency (personal)
- People and their actions
- Will to change the world
- Structure (social)
- Generate actions of an agency
- When you’re an outsider, you look for a structure in an unfamiliar world
September 16, 2015
- ISA (Ideological State Apparatus)
- Religion, education, family, culture,
- Soft power – indirect, cannot be felt sometimes, insidious
- RSA (Repressive State Apparatus)
- Government, police, prisons
- Works if ISA is not followed
- Dissensus – exercise agency (dissent – publicly disagree)
- Hard power – enters when soft power doesn’t work
- If not followed: eliminated in the system
- Habitus
- Deeply embedded tattoos or habits
- Physical embodiment of the cultural capital
- Ex: sports they play
- Hexis
- How you present yourself during interaction
- Cultural capital
- Collection of symbolic elements
- Dictates a person’s social order, high CC, high power
- Field
- A variety of distinct arenas
- Has their own set of rules and forms of capital
- Biopolitics
- Manage biological needs
- Ex: med insurance policies
- Precarity
- Lack of predictability and security, disposable
- Precariousness – vunerability shared by mortals
- Necropolitics
- Use of idea of death to promote and create order
September 19, 2015
- Panopticon
- Constant surveillance
- 1st panoptic: good
- This is now voluntary thanks to the social network
- Modern society – from public punishment (death) to making them invisible
- Made institutions such as schools that discipline minds
- Correctional facilities so they are disciplined when they join facilities again
- Subversion
- To turn from from within
- Let in but don’t follow
- Resistance
- Don’t let in, there is pleasure in resisting/beating the system
- Refusal to comply
- Ex. antiglobalization movement → resistance to transnational corporations
- Strategies
- Structure
- In the hands of the powerful → long term grand plan
- Tactics
- Agency
- Specific techniques required to achieve goals → short term
- Polis – society and city
- Lex Pater – law of the father
September 23, 2015
- Vita Activa
- Homolaborans → within the oicos/house
- Labor
- Private small sector, for survival
- No freedom because we are bound by our biological needs
- Homofaber → fable/fabricate (man as a maker)
- Work
- Public, slightly more free
- Zoopolitikon
- Action
- Real freedom
- Communicative
- delibrative
- Natality
- Inertia, need something new for change
- Public sphere
- Height of public sphere – arm body conversation
September 30, 2015
- Culture
- Process of tansforming, producing, and changing
- Evolving, changing collective identity
- Colere – latin, to till the soil
- Cult – honors with worship
- Ethnocentrism
- Group centered
- Your culture/ethnicity is the standard of how culture should be
- Dominant social order
- Produce, circulate, mediates the masses
- Bought down to: masses (possible via ISA)
- Hipsters – non conformity
- Emergent cultural practice – always a candidate to be the dominant culture practice
- Residual culture
- Popular culture
- Specialized, industrialize, problematized
- Accepted by many, the majority
- 8 work
- 8 sleep
- 8 substantial meaningful recreation, maximize potential
- Culturally odourless
- Not offensive to any race or culture
- No preference
- Cuts across classes/genders/etc
- Mass culture – largest possible clientil
- Universal literacy – no bias
- Culture industry – high jacks the last 8
- Characteristics of popular culture
- All about the youth
- Your priority is yourself, different when u grow up
- Easily influenced
- Technologically advanced
- Millennials have disposable income
- All about the middle class
- Instrument of popular culture
- Have the consuming power
- Center of classes
- Rise of the middle class during industrial revolution
- State universities educate the middle class so they acquire the power to have social upward mobility
- Problem: mimic the fantasy of being elite, feel entitled, are supposed to bridge the gap between the rich and poor but end up aligning themselves to the elite
- Middle class aspiration
- Don’t let masses vote
- Get mad at PUVs
- Traffic caused by rallies
- Pleasure driven – man is pleasure seeking, addictive
- Always urbancentric
- Scopophilia – love of being seen
- Elite makes popular culture and use the middle class as an instrument because: schizophrenic nature, used as human phase of the elite
- Counter cultures
- Counter the dominant culture
- Alternative liveable culture outside
- Subculture
- Idea that they’re always treated with suspicion
- Jejemons, gothic, gangs, bakal boys, metal
- Present an alternative culture still
- Characteristics of culture industry
- Formulate and repetitive
- Encourages conformity
- Promotes cheating its consumers of what it promises
- Promotes pseudo individuality
- Idea of promoting passivity
October 14, 2015
- Post modern
- Idea after the modern age
- Temporal condition of after
- Reaction, resistance
- Modern
- Idea of modernity (becoming a state, condition)
- Requisites:
- Technological advancement
- What is the nature of man? Thinking.
- Uneven modernity
- There are women leaders but some are still subject to domestic abuse
- Modernization – the process of getting there
- Via education and technological advancement
- Modernism – philosophy, theoretical framework
- Use reason and rationale
- Unity and wholeness
- Absolute Truth
- Progress
- Unilinear time
- Post modern
- Irrationality/passion
- Pragments
- Subjective
- Truths
- Multilinear time
- Music is improvisational
- Simulacra
- Question reality
- Sensationalism
- Reality can be filtered
- Characterize inability to distinguish reality from fantasy
- Postmodernism is dead → contemporary
- To some extent we will need order, necessary fictions
- Pastiche
- Copy someone’s style
- Cut and paste
- positive: we can make a parody to show irony
- negative: running out of ideas
- Kitsch
- opposite of art, product of genuine creativity not easy
- desires that everything is hard
- simulacra of art
- You need to labor so you can enjoy life, you need to enjoy life because you need to labor the next day
October 21, 2015
- Reading vs Appreciation
- Appreciation is merely accepting, reading you can be critical
- Appreciation: comply, passive, submissive
- Reading: question content, critique
- Critical
- Grounded informed analysis w praxis (action)
- Semiotics – reading and study of signs
- Signifier – material aspect (red light, apple)
- Signified – concept behind the signifier (stop, phone)
- Kahulugan in tagalong
- Form
- Kaanyuan, element
- Physical description
- Content
- Nilalaman
- Concept, representation substance
- Context
- Social matrix
- Historical, geographical, social context
- Dominant reading
- Intent conveyed by producer and accepted by reader
- Oppositional reading
- Contradict, don’t accept
- Negotiated reading
- Always “pero”
October 23, 2015
- Power reliant on knowledge
- Power
- Knowledge and fluid
- There is power when there is resistance
- Only way to realize power, realize power is vulnerable
- Repressive and productive
- Mode of production
- Don’t just look at a product, look at the process
- Commodity fetish – looking at just the product
- Representation – understand, analyze, capacity to represent reality using symbols, linked to language
- We cannot think of a reality outside of language
- Nothing meaningful exists outside the realm of language
- We exist because of language
- Understand subjectivity
- Object – lifeless
- Subject – with lide
- Create
- Track circuits
- Understand and analyze use of power
- Representation
- Subjectivity
October 28, 2015
- Crisis
- Breakdown of control
- Weiji in china meaning danger opportunity
- Critical categories, art and expression, and everyday (language, race, ethnicity, class, etc – what you acquire, consume, economic, condition, etc) affects your subjectivity
- Criticality
- Class – Marxism, where neo-colonialism is promoted
- Sex, gender, sexuality – feminism, LGBT, queer
- Language – structuralism, post structuralism, deconstruction, language game
- Self
- Race and ethnicity – colonialism, post colonialism
November 6, 2015
- Orientalism –set of knowledge about the orient
- Orientalists – the west, those who look at the orient from the point of view of the occident
- Best archives are with the colonizers
- System of knowing
- To define themselves (west) they have to define the east
- They used visuality so their citizens would agree and support them (no more clamour)
- East: wild, exotic/incomprehensible, feminine, infantile, savage
- Post colonialism
- State and condition of the formerly colonized
- Strategy to critique and resist the former colonizers (they did not disappear, they just evolved – still have contact with us)
- Decimate → build → spectacle
- Syncretic – mixture
- Model of nationalism is tribalism
- Most of history is written by the west, none from out POV
- Nativism – we are hybrids (no pure Filipino), capacity to mimic
- Indigenous – looking for pure Filipino
- Subaltern – not hybrid
- Not priority, marginalized
- Rendered invisible (LUMADS)
- Not capable of speaking on behalf of themselves
November 11, 2015
- The Self
- Tip of the ice berg is reality, bottom that’s hidden is desire
- Desire – regulated by society but origin of society is desire
- Role of society is repression
- You know yourself because you differentiate yourself from another
- I doesn’t exist alone, in the context of society
- Original structure of desire is amorphous or shapeless
- 2nd nature: lack of → impossible to achieve, if achievable and achieved, life has no meaning
- Chaos will come if we follow all of our desires
- I = id, self = ego, society = super ego
- Oral stage
- Need to sustain my life
- Anal stage
- I can control my ____
- Phallic stage
- Dependent on the organ
- How to differentiate/reference if I am a girl or boy
- Oedipus complex – boy’s desire for moms attention
- Penis envy
- Freud’s theory: sexist, generalized
- John Jacques Lacal – all males and females start female
- Mirror stage
- Disengage self from mother
- Own identity
- Lex pater
- Law of the father
- Boy subscribes to this
- Language is made outside the house where the boys are/work and they just bring it home
- Phallogocentrism
- Male study logic centred
- Example: girl has balls → hiram ng power from the boys
- Centered law on patriarychy
- Female vs feminine vs feminist
- Female – biological
- Feminine – social, cultural, what it means to be female
- Feminist – political, ideology
- Feminist movement
- Women representation is very recent
- 1st wave: late 1800s to early 1900s
- Right to suffrage/right to vote
- Men were colonizing at this time
- 2nd wave: late 1960s to early 1970s
- Equality and labor and political participation
- Men were fighting in war at this time (Vietnam)
- 3rd wave: 1990s
- Back to house, domestic violence, marriage and divorce, abortion, rape, RH, the body/domestic sphere
- Men were inside the house, studying after the war
November 13, 2015
- Post feminist movement
- Overlaps with the 3rd wave of the feminist movement
- Not against the feminist movement but is against the method of the traditional emancipatory period
- 1st to 3rd wave of feminist movement is about victimhood
- Use our body to fight patriarchy, celebrate our bodies
- Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Nicki Minaj
- Objectify but you can’t have us
- Multiple feminism
- Radical
- Extreme
- Source of oppression is patriarchy
- Mode of liberation by the woman for the woman
- Liberal
- Source of oppression is patriarchy
- Mode of emancipation in political and strategic negotiation
- Insidious
- Not everyone sees feminism the same way, even inside feminism there is oppression
- White, rich, heterosexual, western, Christian oppress black, poor, homosexual, non-western, other religions → made invisible
- Being marginalized is better than being invisible
- Each is to her own individual sentiments
- Compulsory heterosexual
- Required, expected, mandatory,
- Toys prepare us for the adult word
- Heterosexuality
- Not natural but instead is social
- Appropriate, normal, ethical, moral
- Bakla
- Cowardice
- Gender sensitive: effeminate, purong babae in a man’s body
- Desire: straight men
- Gay
- Gay man, masculine
- Accepts that he can marry a woman
- Coming out
- Invisible to existing
- Because there are things they can’t “avail” of such as rights, health, etc
- Queer
- Weird, ostracized, rejecting
- Binaries, stretch, change
- Believe that sexuality is fluid
- Sexuality is a construct
- Not genetic, biological, or predetermined
- Questions even the very validity of science
- On sex:
- Don’t leave it out, interrogate sex
- Where gender and sexuality come from
- What does it mean to have a penis or vagina?
- For feminists:
- Sex is biological, gender and sexuality are social constructs
November 25, 2015
- Homosexuality – same sex bonding, sentiments, social experiences w same sexual desire (w/o this desire it is just homosocial bonding
- Pederastic courtship scene – young man sex with older man to pass on knowledge, considered a homosexual activity, opposite is immoral
- Homosocial continuum of desire
- Desire to befriend the same sex
- Different from love, love is always positive compared to desire that can be both
- Limit for boys is sooner compared to girls, shorted in terms of homosocial bonding because boys are highly surveyed in society (domain is public)
- Pinakarurok of HCD: dying for the same sex
- Verdache – double soul, babaylan/bakla → gender is performed
- Representation
- We are bound by knowledge, existence, and meaning
- Structuralism – how you create patterns, foundation
- Some people will really betray your structures, especially if youre outside your comfort zone
- Education disciplines our minds, language is power
- Binary oppositions – yes or no, trained to think this way
- The positive needs the negative
- Leads to the tendency to displace something
- Deconstruction
- Undo the construct, pagbasag
- Behind the white washed walls is a slum
November 27, 2015
- Marxism
- Philippines has a class based oppression
- Wealth defines the kind of security you have
- Private property is how people get rich
- To be a capitalist you need:
- Capital
- Land
- Labor
- Entrepreneurship
- Historical materialism
- Objective, with time element
- Each history has a story of how it accumulates
- Marx: future of our material condition → revolution → change → communism
- Inevitable, we achieve communism
- Distribution of shared resources
- Dialectical materialism
- Thesis → anti thesis → synthesis → thesis → so on
- Primitive → pastoral → agricultural → industrialization → socialism → communism
- Utopia of capitalism: individual freedom
- Utopia of communism: universal/collective freedom
- Misconceptions about Marxism
- There is a need for a revolution (only if private wont distribute land)
- Rich become poor (instead you should life up poor)
- Marx hates rich and wealthy people (marx doesn’t care about your origin of wealth)
- Alienation from
- Labor – product is taken from them
- Workplace – call center agent
- Realization of maximum potential
- Affective labor is value added, manual labor is paid
- 2nd form of exploitation
- Surplus → excess
- Utilized by capitalism to make profit
- The value – important in capitalism, what capitalism really cares about
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