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Arnold Schwarzenegger Green Terminator

Essay by   •  September 5, 2011  •  Essay  •  784 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,708 Views

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Arnold Schwarzenegger Green Terminator

Arnold Schwarzenegger is listed on the Rolling Stones magazine as one of the top one

hundred people who are changing America. Out of the one hundred he is listed at sixty one. I

believe he should be ranked in the top twenty for all he has done and is doing to help

California become a greener state.

As Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger has done more than any other

governor in the United States to promote his state to go green. Land conservation along with the

Californian's Climate Plan, Low Carbon Fuel Standards, Energy Efficient Standards, Solar Roof

Programs, Hydrogen Highway, Green House Gas Reductions, and Water Management are some

of the various programs Governor Schwarzenegger has introduced into California.

Some programs that are in action today are solar power. In February of 2005

Schwarzenegger announced that he would indeed support legislation that would help support the

foundation for his goal to create one million solar roofs by 2018. Governor Schwarzenegger

Announces One Million Solar Roofs by 2018,

release/2205/. Governor Schwarzenegger stated "I promised the people of California during the

campaign that as governor I would push for solar power." Governor Schwarzenegger Announces

One Million solar roofs by 2018,

In February of this year Schwarzenegger signed legislation to grow solar investment and

create jobs for California. The Governor said "California is showing the rest of the nation and

the world that you protect the environment and the economy at the same time and I am excited to

sign this legislation by Assembly member Skinner that will do just that." Gov. Schwarzenegger

Signs Legislation to Grow Solar Investment and Create Jobs in California,

Gov. Schwarzenegger is committed not only to solar energy but to all clean energy

that will help create jobs, and create a cleaner environment for all future generations. At the

signing ceremonies for the legislation to reduce green house Gas Emissions, he said,

"When I campaigned for governor three years ago, I said I wanted to make

California No. 1 in the fight against global warming. This is something we owe our children and

our grandchildren." Gov. Schwarzenegger Signs Landmark Legislation to Reduce Greenhouse

Gas Emissions, release/4111/

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