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Aqualisa Quartz: Simply a Better Shower

Essay by   •  July 1, 2011  •  Essay  •  588 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,696 Views

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Aqualisa Quartz: Simply a Better Shower


I would target the plumbing community. Fifty four percent of all mixer showers in the UK are installed by plumbers. Aqualisa already has established a substantial foothold with the Quartz in the showroom market. If they can do the same with the plumbers then they would have almost 75% of the market for mixer showers. Although mixer showers are not the largest type of shower sold in the UK, I believe that once the word spreads it will start to take ground on the electric shower market as well.

I would pursue the plumbers through a targeted one-on-one campaign to put meet, greet and give each plumber a free Quartz shower. Installed for free by one of Aqualisa's master plumbers (hint: need to get some on the payroll as they will be your best marketers) with a guarantee that if the plumber and his family are not 100% satisfied Aqualisa will pay to have another shower installed.

I believe that management could be sold on the fact that we only have to penetrate a market of 10,000 plumbers versus a market of 1,800,000 consumers. The cost to directly target 10,000 is significantly less and the cost to give away 10,000 showers would far outweigh the cost of mass media marketing campaign.


I would then target the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) shed employees; both managers, team leaders and personnel working the floor, through hosting training workshops and educational seminars paid for by Aqualisa. The concept would basically be a "wine-n-dine" type of event offsite from their place of employment if possible. All attendees would be given some type of incentive for their attendance. Each individual DIY shed would have a raffle for a Quartz for its stores employees. The number of Quartz raffled per store would be based on a percentage of attendees from each individual shed at the educational seminars.

One third of all showers sold are sold through DIY sheds. It is critical to penetrate this market. If you get the boots-on-the-ground person excited who is in the DIY shed daily then he is going to recommend it. Consumers who get a recommendation from someone they believe is somewhat of a subject matter expert are more likely to make the switch to purchase the Quartz. Right now Aqualisa has a 20 person sales force. Enlist these guys in your ranks through whatever incentive you need to and you expanded your sales force exponentially. This will be a solid base from which to expand your line.


The third recommendation would be a blend of the two above recommendations, but more precisely targeted. We would start with our corps of loyal plumbers to the Aqualisa brand and target specific DIY sheds that sell the greatest volume of Aqualisa brand products through



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