Apush Key Terms Study Guide
Essay by kbelle030 • February 2, 2014 • Case Study • 1,289 Words (6 Pages) • 2,830 Views
1. Indentured servants- People who promised lives as servants in order to get to the colonies. Worked for a certain amount of time so to pay off their debt. Eventually led to slavery.
2. Trade and Navigation Acts- Navigation Acts 1650s ; Britain seeks to regulate colonial trade (Policy of Salutary Neglect) - Oliver Cromwell makes Acts to promote British shipbuilding industry and increase revenue. Aimed at rival Dutch shippers trying to get into American carrying trade. Restricted commerce to and from colonies to English vessels.
3. Mayflower Compact- was a constitution. Agreement to form crude gov and submit to will of majority under regulations agreed on.
4. Roger Williams- founded Rhode Island Baptist Church 1635 - Was extreme Separatist. Wanted to break w/ corrupt Church of England completely. Challenged legality of colonies charter. Denied authority of civil gov to regulate religious behavior. Banished him. Fled to RI. Established complete freedom of religion. Simple manhood suffrage.
5. Great Puritan Migration- -(two decades or so after 1620) 1)Lots of puritans came, 2) Settlers need provisions, 3) Yankee trader came about - (merchants that take products of New England and sell them around the world), 4) New England community has unity of feeling, religious devotion, communitarianism, economic diversity, 5) Both subsistence farming, a carrying trade (taking to other place to sell), and mercantile trade
6. New England Confederation- in 1643- four colonies banded together to form this. Purpose was defense against foes or potential foes, (Indians, French, and Dutch); also intercolonial probs (runaway servants, criminals who fled from one colony to another) each member colony had two votes. Exclusive Puritan club. Bay Colony, Plymouth, New Haven, and valley settlements in CT; first notable milestone toward colonial unity.
7. Freedom of Consciences- aka the freedom of religion/faith. Freedom to follow the inner voice inside you.
8. Jonathan Edwards- First ignited in Northampton, Mass. by Jonathan Edwards (pastor). Folly of believing in salvation through good works; affirmed need for complete dependence on Gods grace. '"'Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God'"'- famous sermons.
9. Halfway Covenant- Troubled ministers saw decline in conversions made this. It offered partial membership rights to ppl not yet converted. Erased distinction b/w '"'elect'"' and other member of society.
10. Salem Witch Trials- 1692-93- Girls in Mass claimed to be bewitched by older women. 19 hanged; 1 pressed to death. PPl trying to find a scapegoat for social resentments
11. '"'City on a Hill'"'- In "A Model of Christian Charity," a sermon John Winthrop preached during voyage to America, the Mass govn emphasized that purpose of their voyage to America was to increase the body of Christ and to preserve themselves and their children from the corruption of this evil world. '"'For we must Consider that we shall be as a City upon a Hill, the eyes of all people are upon us.'"'
12. William Penn-launched colony. Quaker believer. Hoped to experiment w/ liberal ideas in gov and make a profit. Make asylum for hated Quakers; Pennsylvania founded 1682
stono rebellion????
13. Proprietary, royal, charter colonies- proprietary= founded by a company or individual and were controlled by the proprietor. charter= founded by a gov, charter granted to a company or a group of people. The British gov had some control over charter colonies. royal (or crown)- were formed by the king, so the gov had total control over them.
14. Peter Zenger Trial- John Peter Zenger (publisher of Weekly Journal) acquitted of libel in 1734. Freedom of Press assured - Zengers newspaper assailed corrupt royal governor. Hauled into court for seditious libel. Argued had printed truth. Jurors defied bewigged judges. Verdict= not guilty Achievement for Freedom.
15. King Philips War- (Metacom) War 1675-76 - Made assaults on English villages throughout NE. Was captured. Slowed westward march of English settlement. Reduced numbers; dispirited Indians.
16. George Whitefield- 1738- George Whitefield (English parson) different style of evangelical preaching. Voice