Apa Research and Bibliography Activity
Essay by jalanief26 • December 16, 2013 • Study Guide • 1,128 Words (5 Pages) • 1,983 Views
1. Why are you pursuing your degree? What are your career goals and how will this degree help you achieve them?
The purpose of me pursuing a Masters in Psychology is to combine it with my Bachelors in Criminal Justice and work in law enforcement as a criminologist. This is where you get inside the mind of a criminal and predict what their next step is going to be, similar to the show criminal minds.
My career goals are; finish this master's program, move to the south hopefully Texas or Georgia and find job placement with the local law enforcement agency or even the FBI. I am not interested in policing, so I don't want to waste my time trying to be a police officer to work my way up to where I want to be in the long run. My ultimate goal is to just find happiness in my career, because like they say if you find a career you love doing than you never work a day in your life.
This degree will help me achieve my goals because the job requirements state one must hold bachelors in criminal justice or psychology and masters in the opposite. Most people do not continue on with their schooling past a bachelors, so when a company sees an individual committed to their education they recognize their loyalty and commitment and offer job placement.
2. What are the six Math Labs available for study in the Center for Mathematics Excellence? (Hint: Click on the "Running Start Link.")
Aleks Math Refresher
Pre-Algebra Review
Algebra 1
Algebra 2
Introduction to Statistics
3. Provide a brief description of the three reviewing services available to students through the Center for Writing Excellence.
Paper Reviewing Services:
This is where students are able to submit papers to a plagiarism checker. This checker is compared to information on the internet, it will not show results of papers compared to other UOP students. The professors are the only ones who are provided a separate checker that compares student papers to the internet and other UOP students.
Writing Help on Phoenix Connect:
Here "students can learn about resources and support tools, participate in discussions, share strategies, and get prompt responses to questions regarding important topics like grammar, APA format, and plagiarism".
Tutorials and Guides:
This is where students are able to find APA samples. A citation generator, River Point (which is a APA guide to writing papers) and a thesis generator.
4. Navigate to the Center for Writing Excellence. Under Tutorials & Guides access the Plagiarism Tutorial. Review the various links and complete the Avoiding Plagiarism Mastery Test. Post your score.
OVERALL SCORE: 80% (16 of 20 Questions Correct) Site Title: Plagiarism Quiz: Avoiding Plagiarism Mastery Test Date/Time Submitted: Friday, November 22, 2013, 8:23:03 AM
5. Review the various Tutorials and Guides offered through the Center for Writing Excellence. Which ones do you feel will be most helpful to your academic career? Why?
All of these tutorials and guides provided by the UOP are going to be helpful in my academic career. The ones that I will use the most are the plagiarism checker, certificate of originality, and the thesis & outline generator.
1. What are the two general article databases found in the University Library?
2. Name three specialized resources in the University Library.
ACM Digital Library
American Health Line
BioMed Central
3. What link would you click to ask a question of the University of Phoenix Librarian?
Ask a Librarian
1. From your student Web site, how do you access your reading assignments for this course?
Under the classroom tab each week (TAB) will have reading assignments posted.
2. Where on your student Web site will