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Animal Research

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Animal Research

The use of animals in biomedical research is also referred to as animal testing. Various mammals such as rodents and primates have been subjects for experimental projects to help understand disease processes, physiological functions and medical effect-studies, which currently cannot be performed on humans. (Hoots, 1) Huggin Rous, a recipient of the Nobel Prize; used rats, rabbits and hens to study cancerous-inducing viruses and also studied hormonal treatments. (Riana, 1) One can tell that in the past animal testing has taught us allot of information we otherwise would not know, but with various alternatives, should we continue this holocaust on animals? I do not agree with animal testing, I believe that it has helped in the past, but with our knowledge today there is no relevance to testing on animals.

In vitro tests can replace animal tests by screening for skin sensitization potential of chemicals. Roger explains in vitro "skin sensitizers are electrophilic molecules and the Nrf2-electrophile-sensing pathway comprising the repressor protein Keap1, the transcription factor Nrf2 and the antioxidant response element (ARE) is emerging as a toxicity pathway induced by skin sensitizers." (1) There are other alternatives as well, that need to be perfected so we will no longer have to torture animals. People may think that animal testing is regulated closely, but truthfully it is not. Hungerford goes onto tell that the EPA's guidelines to animal testing, are just merely guidelines and not fully dependable. (1) We do not see what happens behind closed doors, and with leaked footage of "humane animal testing facilities" treating their animal's cruelty, there is reasonable question whether the laboratories are following protocol.

The cruelty of these animals goes beyond experiments, once they are used and abused the animals are euthanized, or killed. Some people say by euthanizing an animal is a way to reduce suffering. The regulations established focus only on whether certain methods cause pain or suffering versus if the death itself is undesirable. Animals are easily discarded.

When animals are being tortured, maimed, prodded, shocked, induced with medicine and even killed, why not put an end to it? Although not all tests they conduct are cruel, there is always something somewhere happening that shouldn't. With alternatives such as In vitro, we should stop testing on innocent animals. We should end animal testing, because life in a cage is no life at all.


Emter, Roger. "Performance of a novel keratinocyte-based reporter cell line to screen skin sensitizers in vitro." Toxicology & Applied Pharmacology 245.3 (2010): 281-290. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 20 June 2010.

Hoots, R. (2008, October). The Animal Research War. Choice,



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